file Which Blu-ray did you watch last night?

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WayneWilmeth Posted 7 years 1 month ago
Last edit: 7 years 1 month ago by WayneWilmeth. Reason: add pic info_outline
I have had this one sitting on the shelf for a while now, just got around to watching it tonight.
"Assassin's Creed". I knew nothing about the game nor the story, an interesting premise though.
Michael Fassbender is good, J. Irons, Gleeson, Rampling, and Coitillard are all fine; acting is not the strong suite of this movie however. Some good action in here. PQ is mixed, I actually thought some of the ill defined, shadowy characters was sorta OK for dramatic effect and the story, but sucked as something to watch and understand.
SQ is another matter however, it is my fav DTS 7.1 and it is a WOW!!!!! It started out not so much, but just kept building in surround force, the music for dramatic effect became a serious FORCE all around, in the bass, everywhere. Off screen sounds were fine, but this was filled with a completely surrounding soundfield that was truly immersive, including the music.
There are numerous scenes I would be happy to use to demo my home theater as far as sound goes. Picture, not so much.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for reference quality soundfield immersion, maybe not quite so much on the bass, but even playing the song for the final credits is impressive.
Story and action were OK, ending was not my favorite type, I won't give it away.
There are LOTS worse movies to spend an evening with, I ought to know, I must own most of them!!!!!
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 7 years 1 month ago
I don't know enough Schumann music, so I bought this blu ray with all his symphonies.
"Schumann at PIer 2" with the Bremen German Kammenphilharmonic, something like that, under the direction of Paavo Jarvi.
This is a very modern and beautiful setting, so VERY well recorded and filmed.
The sound is great but not stunning, it is a smallish orchestra, very talented and well directed.
At first I got the film where there are snippets of music and then explanations of the music, what Schumann was on about, etc.
It is good to watch, but I was worried there was no real concert. I was wrong, it is there, straight through, beautiful music.
I must admit I need more time to watch and listen and "catch" what is really going on. This is not music that I know nor feel.
I recommend this recording, but perhaps not highly recommend it. More for those who want to know more about Schumann's music like I do. AND it could very well grow on me.
It is recorded in DTS 5.0 if I remember correctly.
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 7 years 1 month ago
Last edit: 7 years 1 month ago by WayneWilmeth. Reason: sp info_outline
Last night I watched "Time Rush".
Perhaps I bought it because I had seen the previews and Selina Lo is in it.
Not sure.
It looks like a normal good movie, but sadly it is a B movie, hopeless as heck!!!
PQ was fine, quite good sometimes, the scenes back and forth mostly in Bangkok (where everyone speaks English????) but some in London (don't ask me why, NONE of it made ANY sense at all!!!!)
SQ was surprising with DTS 5.1 and seriously good use of surround sound sometimes. This is encouraging when such trash movies as this have good sound, that means the industry is getting a feel for sound and how to use it effectively.
There are martial arts stuff and chases in here, half the film is a replay of the same chase scene, for what? Not a clue!!!
The writing is poor, the lines are horribly delivered, the story is awful, but the scenery is occasionally good. Meaning the beach or Selina Lo's face. Too bad she cannot act!!!!
Dreadful, NOT RECOMMENDED even for casual entertainment unless you REALLY like kung fu.
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 7 years 1 month ago
Tonight it was raining HARD, could not keep the TV on (sat channel) so watched an Academy Award nominated best foreign language movie, "The Salesman" with English subtitles.
It was in Pharsi. An Iranian film.
We should not only put an embargo on their oil but their movies too!!!!
And some gave this 4 stars, others 5 stars!!!!!
They were watching a different movie than I was!!!!!
PQ and SQ were not worth mentioning. Subtitile were alright though. ha ha
Not a B movie like the above, it was well acted, etc. Just no good.
YMMV, maybe you are an artsy fartsy person that can see something here I could not.
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 7 years 1 month ago
C'mon Preseason Football!!!!!!
I watched the Hall of Fame game, even it was better than the past two movies I have endured.
Football time!!!!!!

God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 7 years 1 month ago
Last edit: 7 years 1 month ago by WayneWilmeth. Reason: Mo info_outline
Tonight I watched "The Light Between Oceans" or as I like to call it, get the tissues, this is what happens when good people make bad decisions.
This movie is based on a woman's novel, and could have been better, but could not have been much more emotionally wrenching.
It stars M. Fassbender (seeing more of him than I ever expected these days) and the amazing actress, Alicia Vikander (not seeing nearly enough of her though). She can really act, he is no slouch.
PQ was quite good, some great ocean shots, lighthouse shots, etc. SQ was what I hope will become the norm for ALL MOVIES, DTS 7.1 and it was really fine. Nothing reference, just immersive, deliciously wonderful sounding soundtrack, sound all around though not for special effects, just to suck you into the story, carry you along on a wave of emotion.
This is a strange story, a tear-jerker, but I do RECOMMEND IT!!!!!
How can I not? Alicia Vikander is in it. She could talk me into anything too!!!
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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