Triton Series (114 topics)

Crocluc's Avatar
Hello community. I would like some advice on using 2 models of stereo power amplifiers for Tritons 2+. As they are 4ohms speakers, the Tonewinner I...
Crocluc's Avatar
Hello community. I would like some advice on using 2 models of stereo power amplifiers for Triton 2+. As they are 4ohms speakers, the Tonewinner I own...
Moderator's Avatar
My left speaker developed a rumble. It persists without input from receiver. The volume of the rumble is not driven volume dependent and the...
Moderator's Avatar
Hi, I was going to purchase a pair of the Triton reference speakers on sale. They used to say 1800 watt force field woofer amp. But now the site says...
Moderator's Avatar
Hi, I am a happy owner of T Ones and shortly will be a happier owner of T refs and one R. I have one issue with my tweeter on one of my T Ones....
bonepeeler's Avatar
Hi, I am a happy owner of T Ones and shortly will be a happier owner of T refs and one R. I have one issue with my tweeter on one of my T Ones....
Crocluc's Avatar
Hello community, I'm calling on you again. After calibration with a Yamaha rx-a6a amp, I get a cutoff frequency of 100 herz and a size detected as...
Bill00's Avatar
We are thinking of upgrading our Triton One’s to the T-Refs. Does anybody know if the T-Refs are scheduled for an update? Thank you, Steve609
Monroe's Avatar
Alright, I've had my Triton 2+ for over two years and have a subscription to Tidal. I love these speakers and feel that they do a remarkable job of...
Hi all, I got my pair of Triton 2+'s a couple of weeks back, I live in India and didn't get to audition them before a purchase. I went by the rave...
Moderator's Avatar
Dear all What is the final verdict on using - ot not using the LFE INPUT on your tritons in a normal stereo set up ? I apologise in advance if this...
georgehifi's Avatar
As the title says just for stereo use what have you guys found is the best way for the tightest/lowest uncolored bass, " both ways level matched". 1:...
georgehifi's Avatar
I bought a pair of Triton 2's on line in mint "looking" condition but to my disappointment both with damaged amps and blown tweeters, Chet in service...
Moderator's Avatar
Greetings GoldenEar peeps :) Greetings fellow av peeps ! Longtime owner of DefTech BP7002. And DefTech CLR 2500. Looking to —possibly do a big...
GDHAL's Avatar
I did a search and am surprised the topic has not come up. What is the best way to clean a Triton tower sock without removing it? I have two 10...
Aburguy's Avatar
Hello all I am using a Anthem MXR 1120 with ARC® Anthem Room Correction GE Triton 3 Plus and a XL center Running a 5.1.2 Atmos system I read is...
Timecop's Avatar
Current system: Two Triton 3, one Supersat 60 for center channel, two Supersat 3 rear and two for Atmos, two Forcefield 4 subwoofers. Tritons set to...
anthem's Avatar
Triton T1r with reference center. Emotiva DR3 or Anthem MCA 325?
GDHAL's Avatar
file T-One.R Theatre
Yes...I'm Canadian, so theatre is spelled right! After many years of wanting a Trition 2, then a Triton 1, then a Triton 2+, then a Triton Reference...
VRock's Avatar
I received my Five's yesterday. They replaced an 18 year old pair of Paradigm Studio 60's. I've been auditioning speakers in the $2k - $5k range for...