question-circle Power Amplifiers

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Crocluc Posted 4 weeks 2 days ago
Hello community. I would like some advice on using 2 models of stereo power amplifiers for Tritons 2+. As they are 4ohms speakers, the Tonewinner I own delivers too much power in stereo (according to the technical details, more than 700watts RMS). I can't turn the volume of my receiver up to more than half. I was just wondering whether using a power amp like the Advance Paris X-A160EVO, which delivers 2x 240W under 4ohms, would be more balanced. What do you think? Do any of you own these amps? Thanks in advance. Sincerely

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Moderator Posted 2 weeks 11 hours ago
Hi Crocluc, I wouldn't be inclined to change amplifiers due to the high power output of the Tonewinner amplifier. It's doubtful that you would ever need or use that much power, but when played at moderate listening volumes, you're really not using that much power regardless of what amplifier you're using. The real question becomes, what amplifier (your Tonewinner or the Advance Paris X-A160EVO) would have a better quality sound - or sound more natural. Since both amplifiers are high quality, highly rated amplifiers, it might come down to personal preference. Either amplifier should work quite well with Triton Two+ towers. Happy Listening!
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