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Hello community. I would like some advice on using 2 models of stereo power amplifiers for Tritons 2+. As they are 4ohms speakers, the Tonewinner I...
Helvis's Avatar
nathanmartin's Avatar
Hi all, long story short—this is about my original Triton Two’s purchased in 2015 which are running off of a Marantz SR-7010—there are many...
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Hi there, I am new here and very excited, to join this community.. I am excited to learn and share experiences with fellow audio enthusiasts. I have...
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Hi csheldon756, when building or assembling a home theater system, I like to start with selecting the front left and right speakers that meet your...
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Hi there, I just want to know, compare T3 with T3+,do they have the same wiring borad(including the scrips on the borad ),and how to make a...
KnockKnock's Avatar
Hi folks. I am thinking of adding some damping feet (EVP´s or IsoAcoustics or something else....) to my Three+ towers. But I want to be sure the...
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Hi. My first post here. I have a set of 3+, used but from a dealer. When I switch on the power on the wall, sometimes one of the groups in my HPFI...
GDHAL's Avatar
Hello friends! I've been calibrating my system in the last few days and the readings I've been getting have been somewhat......... disappointing......
ArthurDaniels's Avatar
Hi Gang, I am having an interesting intermittent issue with my Cambridge 851A Stereo Amplifier. This problem normally occurs when I turn the unit...
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Hi, Yesterday while watching a movie, suddenly there was a pop from the left Triton One speaker and the blue light started blinking as if the...
Corey's Avatar
Hi all, I have a dilemma with my new house build...... I have a dedicated theatre room in my new house being built this year. It is 4 metres x 5...
kyson's Avatar
The transistor is packaged in a TO3 case. It has its collector "grounded" to the case, and the base and emitter to the two pins. NPN transistors are...
househusband's Avatar
Hello my Cambridge Audio 851A on Sunday when i was playing the volume would go to Max level on it own. Has anybody have an idea why . I am in...
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I recently bought a pair of triton 1R. My problem is the speakers seem to be pressuring up the room to a point that you can feel it in your ears and...
Dave's Avatar
I have been pretty happy with my Triton Twos since I bought them a little over two years ago. Today, the right-side tower started making a constant...
ArthurDaniels's Avatar
Hi Gang, I have found a long-established Audio dealer in Raleigh who also performs in-house service on audio equipment. After an extensive...
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Hello it's been a while! I was wondering if anyone has any advice on diagnosing an issue I've been having with my home theater. Everytime I fire up...
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Hello all, Just recently I started getting a very low pitched flutter or rotor sound coming from the sub in one of my T1’s. That’s weird, but...
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It is less than 48 hrs since I got a pair of Triton 2s and Supersat 60c. I hear a low volume constant hissing noise emanating from only one of the...
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