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Bill00's Avatar
We are thinking of upgrading our Triton One’s to the T-Refs. Does anybody know if the T-Refs are scheduled for an update? Thank you, Steve609
KnockKnock's Avatar
Hi Everyone, I have G.E. Triton One.Rs and am very happy with their performance. I'm wondering if any other One.R owners have used the "Room...
Moderator's Avatar
I have the following setup. However, due to room constraints my couch is against the back wall (could move it 3 ft forward). What should I use for...
henryeng's Avatar
Hi All, I have a Lyngdorf 1120 amp with RoomPefect software. Within the DSP there is a high pass and low pass filter, high pass feeding high level...
mesterha's Avatar
Hello, I have the Triton One.R, and I'm think of eventually upgrading my amp, but I want to get an idea of what kind of power I need. I currently...
charliehatch's Avatar
Have been interested in the 1.R for awhile now... However, there seems to be several posts in various forums on the Internet stating that the amps...
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