question-circle Thinking of upgrading from DefTech 7002—>>Triton One.R

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Mikejedi123 Posted 1 year 6 months ago
Greetings GoldenEar peeps :)

Greetings fellow av peeps ! Longtime owner of DefTech BP7002. And DefTech CLR 2500. Looking to —possibly do a big upgrade and make a WAF approved purchase of the Triton One .R and SuperCenter Reference Center.

Will be running my Parasound A52 and Yamaha Pre/Processor. Probably going to upgrade from old Monster Z2 speaker cable to Audioquest. My rear atmos speakers will remain which are Infinity Entra mini bookshelf speaks. For the rears. I have been looking to upgrade to these for a long time and with the close out on the TREF .ONEs I can finally do it. I truly believe these GE Triton .One are a true upgrade from Mr Gross’ old DefTech 7002 design which are still way ahead of their time but these I think will be a nice advancement. I have heard them and they do indeed sound great. They seem to be able to do music and home theater equally well. (Similar to the old DefTechs). Although I wonder too if I will miss anything about my BiPolar 7002s. I know the GE one.R also has an awesome soundstage but maybe in a different way than than the 7002? I will say the One.R with good amplification really shines and also has a certain clarity to it, that the BP may not have .. as the BP are a little more diffuse but that is their nature being bipolar. The GEs certainly feel like an advancement of Sandy’s thinking over the years , especially with the ribbon tweeter .. !

Any one have any set up tips or tricks. ? I am thinking of getting the SuperSub XXL to match them in the downstairs living area as well. I just don’t think my old Trinity Sub will fit. As much as I love it and would save me on buying a new sub. It’s just so big in the space. We moved into a new house and decided to do the upgrade instead of setting up the DefTechs again , they have had a good run for me since 2007 !! But this could change .. however this is my current thinking so just trying to get some opinions before I make the move. My living room is approx 13 x 18 and will be sitting about 9 feet from the speakers.

I just want to make sure before I spend a large amount of money I am getting a large upgrade. After all the DefTechs still are excellent unique speakers for what they do. So 1st world problems I know ! Lol

Anyways sorry about the rant glad I found a GE group. And I appreciate you listening and/or commenting with advise :)

Thank you

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Moderator Posted 1 year 5 months ago
Hi Mikejedi, The Triton One.Rs and SuperCenter Reference would produce a substantial upgrade to your current setup. The imaging produced by the Triton One.Rs is amazing. I would described it as 3-dimensional, immediate, and almost holographic. The reference quality folded ribbon tweeter used in the Triton One.Rs and SuperCenter Reference sounds clear and detailed, yet it isn't hard or harsh. I think you'll notice the midrange produced by these speakers is uncolored and exceptionally detailed....Enjoy.

The SuperCube Tritinity is a beast, though. If you're looking for a smaller subwoofer that sounds detailed, clean, and powerful, the SuperSub XXL would be a good choice, though. Happy Listening!

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