Triton Towers (487 topics)

KnockKnock's Avatar
Hi Everyone, I have G.E. Triton One.Rs and am very happy with their performance. I'm wondering if any other One.R owners have used the "Room...
henryeng's Avatar
Hi All, I have a Lyngdorf 1120 amp with RoomPefect software. Within the DSP there is a high pass and low pass filter, high pass feeding high level...
mesterha's Avatar
Hello, I have the Triton One.R, and I'm think of eventually upgrading my amp, but I want to get an idea of what kind of power I need. I currently...
charliehatch's Avatar
Have been interested in the 1.R for awhile now... However, there seems to be several posts in various forums on the Internet stating that the amps...
ROCK-ON's Avatar
I purchased the Triton 1 towers in 2014 and the pair have been serving me well. I love the sound and never had a problem. One of the Triton 1's has...
Silver Fox's Avatar
I'm trying to use a pair of Audio Quest Rocket 11 speaker cables with banana clips to connect to a Prima Luna EVO 400. The clips don't go into the...
nevets77's Avatar
T1Rs when using LFE what should I crossover the high pass at 80hz or 40hz?
Moderator's Avatar
Hi. I have an original pair of the Triton IIs that I have enjoyed throughout the years. Goldenear has always provided great support a few times we...
Moderator's Avatar
See Triton 2+ being dropped to half price. Does this mean a new model or complete phase out?
Moderator's Avatar
What tread size do the Triton Ones have? M6? 5/12?
Moderator's Avatar
Hi, Both of my GoldenEar Triton Twos (original version, not the newer Two+) recently started to have the same problem. As I turn the volume knob on...
cooter's Avatar
Does anyone have a definitive answer for what the tweeter height of the original Triton One is? It's not listed in their literature. I'm adding...
Dazza's Avatar
Hi fellow Golden Ear enthusiasts. I have recently purchased a set of Triton One R towers and I am having ongoing issues with trying to get an accurate...
FMaximus68's Avatar
Hi all, I know Goldenear makes it own subs but I am thinking about adding a REL S/510 to my One.R's. Stereo only use in an oddly shaped multi purpose...
pendellini's Avatar
Moderator, I have a long-term and developing problem with low-frequency “rumble” noise in one of my TRefs that I’ve commented on before. This...
Monroe's Avatar
Hi all, I am purchasing a new preamp / amp combo and I am debating whether I would get a 2 channel or 3 channel combo and include the Supercentre...
GDHAL's Avatar
I have a question for TREF and T1.r owners: Has anyone removed the socks on the front and sides? Context: Long-time triton two owner, and as I’ve...
Moderator's Avatar
I am able to stop the noise by unplugging the speaker. From other post on here, it appears the amp may be going out. What is the best way to get this...
stereo5's Avatar
Or is it better to connect it directly to the wall outlet? Any downsizes to each of the approaches in terms of audio? Thanks.
GDHAL's Avatar
Just some personal experience - I’ve had the triton reference for around a week now. I liked how they sounded but didn’t feel I have that 3D,...
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