file Which Blu-ray did you watch last night?

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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 5 months ago
OK, watched Joe Bonamassa again, it is that good!!!!
But for family watching, we just saw Thor 2 in 3D. Great special effects, CGI, imagination. Not a bad story, IF you can buy the premise that anybody could be in love with Natalie Portman. OK, yeah, I buy that big time.
Then we watched Catching Fire, the second installation in the Hunger Games Trilogy.
It was disappointing, but then I read the books, so that is nearly always the case.
Sound wise, I dunno know. Thor 2 was pretty good but we watched with the Thai sound track, I will have to go back and hear the English soundtrack to know really. Hunger Games, not nearly as good as the first one, sound wise, in every way, IMHO.
You guys need to keep up, watch some movies, and report back.
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 5 months ago
I am the only one here who watches Blu-ray movies.
Guilty as charged.
So I will report on watching the Hobbit 2, Desolation of Smaug.
First, Peter Speilberg Jackson here is doing entertainment, not trying to stick to the story nor reality. I mean, do Elves really fight that fiercely? I don't think so!
So it was well and truly over the top as his movies always are.
I cannot tell you about the 3D because it would NOT play in 3D for us. Well it was 2 discs and the first disc would not load 3D and the second would, but then would not dispense with the top menu tab at the bottom of the screen when it was playing. And we are listening to the Thai sound track, and I am trying to read English subtitles, so that would not work.
I believe the English soundtrack is 7.1, not sure about that, but Thai was only 5.1 and Dolby at that. So I am not reporting on the sound. It seemed fine. During the dragon scenes and such, when there should be booms there were, but not really loud ones. I have the FF5 dialed in for music, NOT movies, so for me it could have been a little louder on the booms, I could walk back there and change it but the fam doesn't really like too much bass anyway, so I leave well enough alone.
I just want to say, when the movie was over and the credits rolling, there was a song or two on, which I will have to go back and re-visit. The music sounded AWESOME!!!!! The Triton 2s were singing, the bass from them and the FF5 rockin, it sounded GREAT, full, room-filling, wonderful, creamy delicious sound!!!!!
Try it, you might like it.
God bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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anthem Posted 10 years 5 months ago
Hey Wayne: (thee sane Brother) I can only speak for myself, but for the last couple of years my movie watching has declined. I believe it's mainly due to how the Triton 2's reproduce music better then any other speaker I've owned and my captivation for 2-channel watching has seriously fallen off. Bought a copy of Gravity on the internet a couple of weeks ago but haven't watched it yet. A couple of years ago before I got my Triton's, movies were all I thought about...was watching upwards of 20-25 movies a month, music played second fiddle. Now it's reversed, music dominates, my interest now is finding "the perfect amp" whether it be tube or solid state (maybe a Vincent solid state/tube mixture)...the search continues.

I love your comment, "it sounded GREAT, full, room filling, wonderful...(and the part I love the most) CREAMY DELICIOUS"....

Why are you listening in Thai...does your significant other not speaka z English?
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Every great performance deserves an Audience!
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 5 months ago
Gravity tonight.
Interesting movie, we did not like it so much. It is clearly S Bullock's best work, by a long way, though give me Blind Side any day.
It is in GREAT 3D, there was sooooo much stuff flying out at the audience, I thought we were all gonna be dead several times.
The rest of the time it just gave a sense of depth that made it feel very real. It was almost hard to keep dinner down.
Sound, well, when I get into a movie, I am immersed in it, I don't notice. Though there was some good off-screen effects that were noticeable.
Bro Anthem, I hear where you are coming from, and I think you will understand where I am coming from. I love music, can listen to it any time I am home and want to spend alone time. My music is NOT appreciated in this house much. Thai music is not appreciated much when I am around. We put up with each other's music going down the road sometimes. BUT I listen to music ALONE.
I love family time and that is why the home theater is so important to me/us. We watch movies together, the wife and 14 year old daughter and I. This is the most fun thing we all do together most of the time. A day at the beach, or a great meal notwithstanding.
My wife speaks English pretty well, our daughter not so much (we speak Thailish together, some of both), but I am the only one who can read subtitles fast enough to enjoy the movie. AND I can watch it again in English alone IF I really want to check out the soundtrack.
Family FUN.
Family is the most important, assuming Mrs. Anthem enjoys your music with you, and likes it better than watching movies, then you really are blessed to have that fine wife AND Triton 2s.
Now, if it were me, I would play some Pink Floyd for her. Ha ha
Enjoy and love the one your with!!!!!!
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 5 months ago
Last night watched "American Hustle" and was regaled with some REALLY fine acting there. It was not Blu-ray and I did not notice anything about the sound. I can just recommend the story line and Christian Bale is amazing. Amy Adams too. Some great writing.
Then today I watched "12 Years a Slave". I was once again reminded how BADLY the Academy awards get it wrong, IMHO.
Nowhere near as badly as the year they passed over the AWESOME "AVATAR" for the feel sorry for the ex-wife "Hurtlocker". That year was a real joke, IMHO.
This year, 12 years is a good movie, very well done, and horrible as all get out. OF COURSE those were terrible times and no excuse for it, and the fact that in this movie it was happening to a free man, unjustly treated, just exacerbates the fact that it was ALL unjust treatment.
Good acting, But Lousy lines (did any body talk so stilted like that?).
BUT it is another example of trying to make us feel ever more guilty for the sins of slavery and prejudice. And to make us feel that we OWE somebody some reparations or something??? Sorry, I don't buy it.
Brad Pitt did get to make a fine speech in there though.
But Hey, it was WAY better than the continual GAY agenda carried on by Hollywood.
I am tired of Hollywood's agendas. But just the same, I would rather watch one of their movies than a Bollywood movie.
God Bless em, and you,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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Moderator Posted 10 years 5 months ago

WayneWilmeth wrote: I am the only one here who watches Blu-ray movies.

Not so, I am a BluRay movie guy too, Wayne. Best fidelity source (audio and video) you can get right now, IMO. Although LP's and 24/96 downloads sound awfully good on my 2ch system (Triton Twos), I think the BluRays lead the way in overall dynamics and frequency extension.
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