file Which Blu-ray did you watch last night?

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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 10 months ago
Boys and Girls,
We just watched and really enjoyed the movie, "Book Thief". This is set in Germany during the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. And follows 'normal' people caught in that country under a brutal madman.
It is only in 2D but it does have DTS HD MA 5.1.
AND the music was written by John Williams who got an Oscar nomination for it. Won other awards.
The picture and sound quality are BEAUTIFUL. The story is a wonderful one.
When the bombs are being dropped your sub will get some workout. Surround channels are not used as well as a reference movie might. But you will enjoy this movie unless you are an action only person. The scenery and setting is lovely, seemed very authentic of Germany in that period, but I would not really know, I am old but not that old.
I hope this helps,
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 10 months ago
OK a little Sci-Fi and lots of fun.
We watched the "Edge of Tomorrow" which has also been re-branded "Live, Die, Repeat".
It stars Tom Cruise, who I personally do not like, but it is a good movie.
It is in 3D, real, good, honest to goodness 3D which is awesome!!!!
And it has DTS HD MA 7.1 surround sound, which is VERY good. I will not say it is reference good, but good. The surround speakers, both sets offer some good sound which livens up the show. Fight scenes with explosions will work out your sub.
There was a LOT of thought put into the story, it is rather odd, but sorta makes sense by the end.
And there were parts that our family found hilarious, I am not sure they were meant to be, but we had a good laugh.
This is a fun flick, just escapist stuff, but great picture (well 3D anyway) and sound make it really worth watching. The acting could be a bit stronger, the story could work a bit better, but we liked it well enough.
Hope this helps,
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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Moderator Posted 9 years 10 months ago
Agreed, this was a lot of fun and pretty darn good video/audio presentation. I'm not sure Tom Cruise can act any better than that Wayne.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 10 months ago
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls,
Two subjects about watching blu-ray movies in the home theater. Open for comments.

Movie theater reference volume level:
When you guys watch a movie, around what volume level do to watch/listen at?
My Marantz AV 7005 uses a volume reference of so many dB down from movie theater reference volume. Presumably, IF I understand it, which I well may not, a volume level reading in my home theater of -10 dB means that we are listening at 10 dB down from the level a movie theater would offer its paying customers.
Is that right? Or 10 dB down from the max my system can play?
Anyway, when we watch a movie, anything above -12 is very loud for the girls and -10 to -8 is all I can stand. LOUD!!!!!
What level do you guys listen at?

3D movies:
I doubt that this is the place for a discussion of 3D movies, but I am gonna put in my 2 cents worth anyway. I have read that 3D has not caught on in America nearly as well as it has over here in Asia. And when I mention watching a movie in 3D it is met with total silence. Some seem to think it is a gimmick. IMHO, the same argument was used when color movies were introduced. I know some people that think Black and White is still the cat's meow. Somehow more artistic than color. Well, B&W was obviously introduced for a very good reason, they did not know how to do color. And color 2D was introduced because they did not know how to do 3D. I myself have experienced 3D images into my eyes and brain for the best part of 66 years. And a FLAT picture on the screen does not represent what I see all around me in nature at all.
I THINK-conjecture-surmise that people who do not like 3D movies have not experienced a good one. IF you have only watched 3D in the theater, then chances are, you have not seen 3D implemented well. That cheap passive system with those crap glasses (for the sake of being cheap enough for the masses of attendees) do not work well, and the pic is usually too dark to really look great.
But play a blu-ray **that was originally shot in 3D, intended from the get go to be shown in 3D--and NOT the fake processed films that were made 3D as an afterthought, crap processing** play a good quality 3D blu-ray in you DARK home theater and you will love the realism. You and your family will very likely be screaming with delight during an explosion and you think you are gonna get hit in the face with shrapnel. Actually the best use is just in a proper picture with the sense of depth, a REALISTIC view of nature and the surroundings and the characters / action.
New Zealand in all its glorious mountainous terrain in the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings, just takes on another dimension of reality in the picture, Literally, Pun intended.
NO, I do not like wearing the glasses. But, heck, I don't like wearing glasses to write this and read your comments either, BUT I have to.

Your thoughts, comments would be appreciated.
Happy watching and listening, God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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Moderator Posted 9 years 10 months ago
The volume displayed is not actually meaningful, because different input levels will cause the actual level to vary greatly. It might be that -10 is at the edge of clipping on some sources, and might be 10db below clipping on other sources. Best way to measure volume is with an SPL meter in your listening seat. I believe theater peak levels are 105dB, but some research might yield other numbers.
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anthem Posted 9 years 10 months ago
The wife and I went to see "The Judge".A self serving lawyer, played by Robert Downey Jr., returns back home after 20 years, for his mother's funeral. While there, his father--a retired judge (Robert Duvall) is accused of hitting a man on his bicycle and killing him. He goes on trial for 1st degree murder while on chemotherapy for cancer. Many 20 year old memories are relived, from old girlfriends to good and bad times with his dysfunctional family. Vera Farmiga and Billy Bob Thornton round out the all star cast, with great performances by all. Two and half hours long...the wife didn't nod off once and neither did i. Highly recommended

I've included a picture of the theater's acoustic treatment...interesting.
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