file Which Blu-ray did you watch last night?

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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 10 months ago
Last edit: 9 years 10 months ago by WayneWilmeth. Reason: forgot the pic info_outline
Glad you liked it Bro Anthem, I knew you would.
Your statement about this one needing to be in your collection is ABSOLUTELY true!!!! IF you have a home theater and want to show it off, this is the movie.
OK, we have to take what we can get over here, sometimes they are not the best movies.
We watched "Oculus". It is just a B horror movie. Not worth watching IMHO.
BUT there was one moment that the characters had set some timers to go off to warn them of things, and we are all involved with something else, this timer goes off in the left surround channel, make the wife and I jump outta our seats.
Even on bad movies, surround can be a wonderful thing!!!!
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 10 months ago
Here we go boys and girls,
my review of "How to Train Your Dragon 2".
The first go round with Train Your Dragon was an odd movie to me. Of all the ways to picture a dragon, fierce, majestic, fearsome, rugged, etc. This movie uses none of those and goes for CUTE, at least that is what my wife and daughter call it, Toothless is CUTE, to them. Stupid looking to me.
Well, in Train 2 he still looks the same. I guess I figured it out though, this is a kids movie and does not intend to scare them little suckers. The story, message, philosophy, whatever you call it is pretty juvenile, but NICE. It is for kids.
The picture is 3D, real 3D and wonderful it is too. Course this is animated, so that is rather easier I guess. GREAT 3D.
The sound is DTS HD MA 7.1. And YES, the rear surround channels are in play.
There are some big, monstrous "alpha" dragons in here, and they are noisy. They make use of the subwoofer, but once again, this is a kid's movie, the house does not rock, shake and at the loudest, the kids should not get scared.
I had just re-wired my home theater with LFE interconnects to all speakers that could take em (more on this in another thread) and trying the new SC X in my system for center channel.
I was not really impressed with the sound in this movie, even though it is in my favorite 7.1. I had to put Transformers in after this movie to check out my system, to see where the bass went. Oh yeah, Baby, it is there, nothing wrong with my system, it was the movie.
IF you have kids, this movie is recommended. IF you don't but want a reference 3D picture, then this movie is recommended. IF you are looking for a reference, show-off-your-system blu ray for sound quality, see above and get the latest Transformers movie.
CUTE is the operative word here.
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
The following user(s) said Thank You: anthem

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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 9 months ago
It is that time again boys and girls.
Playing a little catch up here, have been watching me some NFL (National Felons League?) and the Voice.
But between times we have caught a few movies, most are not very good.
Disney "Planes" is VERY cute and has a good message. Hard not to like. We did not spend the extra bucks to get the 3D on this one, but I bet it is great.
Surprisingly, the 7.1 sound is AMAZINGLY good for a cartoon. I will go back and listen to this one again, it is that good. Recommended, especially if you have children, it is a no-brainer.
"Under the Skin" with the wonderful Scarlett Johansson, who has put on weight was HORRIBLE!!!!! Somebody will say it is an artsy fartsy movie and you can explain it to me, cause I didn't understand it. It sucked. PQ and SQ, not worth mentioning. Well, this is Scotland, well pictured. I lived there 5 years and this nails it. Another reason I cannot recommend it, depressing locale (to me).
What surprised me was "I Frankenstein". The story was better than I would have thought. PQ was alright, sound too. What I really enjoyed with my new SC X center was Aaron Eckhart's deep voice and the demons even deeper voices coming through with authority in my center channel! Otherwise not reference quality, the story a pretty long reach but not a terrible movie.
The TV series on James Bond's creator "Fleming" was very British but not too bad. Just TV so PQ and SQ were nothing to write home about.
Jarhead 2 was better than I thought it would be. The PQ is that hand-held, hurky jerky type of video to look realistic, there were LOTS of shots and RPG blowups, and the sound was good, but not a great use of surround. A LOT of hoorah, and feel good for the boys and girls in the armed forces, the story was quite alright too. Not highly recommended, but it was a good watch and reminder of all those giving the ultimate sacrifice for our way of life.
OK, that is all for now,
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
The following user(s) said Thank You: anthem

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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 9 months ago
We had a wonderful and BLESSED Thanksgiving, hoping you did too!!!!
I wish I had a good movie to report on today. OK, we might squeeze in a "good enough" movie, but nothing great:
We got your raunchy movies and your people getting killed with absolutely no regard for human life at all movies. Cute sequel.
And your just doesn't make any sense movie. And one kinda OK.
"We're the Millers" is raunchy and silly and does have a coupla decent laughs. Sound and picture, Nothing To Write Home About.
"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2" not even sure what the first one was about, but this second one was just to rake in some cash from parents of kids that see it playing in the store and say Dad we have got to see that. OK 3D PQ but sound NTWHA. Not even that cute.
"Walk of Shame" was raunchy and somewhat funny stuff, if you enjoy seeing bad things happen to somebody sorta (???) not deserving. I enjoyed seeing what Effie Trinket of Hunger Games really looks like, what a good looking woman she, Elizabeth Banks really is! Pic and Sound really NTWHA. Acting and story either.
"They" say Nicholas Cage is broke and will take a part in ANY movie he can get. Not sure if that is true, but "Joe" is horrible. What a sad, kill me now, depressing view of the human condition. No regard for human life. PQ and SQ and sordid story NTWHA.
Now "3 Days to Kill" has two things going for it. It is a different take on a CIA story (not much story here and somewhat confusing) but having a family problem to attend to makes it hard for Kevin Costner to do his job of killing as many people as possible in Paris. This brings "SOME" interest as does his poor health. Amber Heard brings more interest, I guess this pic is worth seeing just because she is in it. I am trying not to be a spoiler here, therefore vague. PQ and SQ were OK, NTWHA, but you will be glad to watch it is surround sound, I guess, I know I always am.
"Enemy" is just plain old weird!!!!! Doesn't make any sense, artsy fartsy again, somebody want to explain it to me????? Dark and woodenly acted, PQ and SQ not even up to the NTWHA standard of the other movies.
I hope you are all finding better movies to watch than I am.
Enjoy and God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 9 months ago
Brothers and Sisters,
Tonight it is "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes".
It had been so long since we had watched the first one, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" that the daughter and I watched it again first.
The sound on that one was great.
But this one is better! Sound wise. This one is DTS-HD MA 7.1 and it is powerful. The rear surrounds were well used, full range information playing from them. There were times when I could have sworn I was surrounded by APES!!!!
Picture quality was great, but the sound was REFERENCE quality. I am NOT sure it is demo quality like the last Transformers is, but it is right up there with the best for immersive involvement in the movie!
The story is not the greatest, but not bad at all. Both of these are prequels explaining what happened when Charleston Heston (long before his Soylent Green and NRA days) landed in this alternate universe and started all these POTA movies.
Well Done movie!!!!
Hope this helps,
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 9 months ago
So we are watching the just reviewed "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" and the humans need some assistance from the apes who can now talk. In a home theater we can discuss, makes suggestions to the characters, scream and hold hands and such!!!! I said, They should take a gift for the apes, give them something in return for their help. My lovely wife says, Yes, BANANAS!!!!! She sez Monkeys love bananas!!!!!
The makers of the movie really missed that one!!!!!
God bless the child that's got his own.
The following user(s) said Thank You: anthem

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