T Cobe wrote: Listening to my GET setup has put me into a state of euphoria as well, Rick. Don't feel alone here. It might not be quite as good as herbal essence shampoo, but it's pretty darn stimulating!
T Cobe
Hey, T Cobe
Thanks! I love getting the whole spectrum of thoughts on this forum, but the bottom line for me is that the whole purpose, what I'm always seeking, is ways to share and ENJOY the beautiful sound I have discovered from GEt speakers, and learn ways, new music or DVD sources, and gear that enhance that experience. When I listen, yes my left brain is processing all sorts of detail about what the sounds mean, what instruments are involved, but it is my right brain that is absolutely LOVING the experience on an emotional level. And no other speakers have done that for me so completely before. Ever.
When I was the at the audio store the other day, I heard some music on Aon 2's and loved the detail, musicality, bass. Just for the heck of it, I asked them to play that same set on some $2,500 floor standing speakers for comparison (another brand, not GEt speakers), and even as a new customer unfamiliar with GEt, would have gone for the Aon's, even if the the others were the same price. As Roman said on another post, Wow, oh wow.
It IS about ENJOYING what we're hearing after all.(Maybe even as much as herbal essence shampoo!
I sure hope I'm not spending my money just to have some fancy theoretical frequency ranges, or speaker efficiencies, or whatever.
Happy listening!