file Triton One report - in the wild!

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fopmc Posted 9 years 3 months ago
Last edit: 9 years 3 months ago by fopmc. info_outline
Just a wanted to report my setup and views about the Triton Ones, it is by no means a well written report or review, rather just some notes to take away from "just another guy" who happens to have the Triton Ones, I am sure other can add to my experience to reflect their own here. Otherwise, here goes:

Current Setup:
T1s are in as my front L/R, SCXL for center and in-ceilings (for front height and rear) with angled tweeters
I am running off a Denon AVR-X4000 receiver and three Emotiva XPA 1L for the main front three.
Initial set up was with Audessy, and a lot of clues from the folks and Sandy's tips as to Large and crossover settings. Now I do have two Subwoofer outputs, and in port 1, I have a Audioquest splitter adapter that is working well going to the Triton Ones, in port2 I have my FF4, and placed off to the right behind my sofa.

Triton Ones (L/R) set to Large.
Crossover is at 60Hz for the SCXL and remaining channels (front heights, and surrounds).

Setup Journey: (...but let me explain)

I am blown away, but let me describe it in more datail. The T1s in stereo create a clear, detailed and filling sound, and when the vocals come in, the phantom center speaker suddenly appears as if my center channel has kicked in, you are almost foolded everytime to check and just to make sure, putting your ear against the center channel to confirm it is indeed not playing. You back off grinning every time seating yourself back to the chair!

Initial calibration setup with Audessey XT32, speakers plugged directly from my Denon AVR-X4000 receiver, on the T1s the LFE dial had to be at minimum and yet it was still above the 75db calibration tone. However, upon completion, I played back some Sam Smith
and a couple of movies: Watchmen and Guardians of the Galaxy, to help fine tune. Now the important thing here is just to plain listen. I ran the setup twice! I don't have an SPL meter, but ears work for me!

From here on out I had to go back into the manual (not auto) receiver settings to hear my desired soundstage, stereo is almost a
non issue. Toe in is important, distance settings too.
For movies, one important factor despite having the T1s, I feel it is still important to have a subwoofer to give your that instantaneous feedback of impact, and a good one at that. There's a lot of shaking happening, I am playing back almost below 70db reading on my receiver, in fact with all the receiver setting adjusted, and I mean go through them all, from center channel clarity to crossovers, to bass compensation. My T1 dials are bwtween 10 and 11 o'clock. My FF4 is a tad below 9 o'clock.

Anyways long story short, I am still having fun tweaking, and yes my wife still doesn't know I have them yet in the basement.... more BASS to come! :P

I did initally want powered Tritons as rear channels, but I feel this may not be necessary at all, I feel the Triton 7 will be perfect in my space (11.5' x 24.5' 7.5'), BUT I do value having seperate subwoofers in the system, infact for HT, it is a requirement!

A couple of days later, my Emotiva XPA-1Ls arrived. Three to power the front three.
I've never in the past played with amplification, just an in the box receiver, but I can tell you there is certainly something which wrings out as much of the detail there is even at lower volumes. The receiver movie mode in which you choose your playback is also very important, despite having the height channels, the difference is noticeable and I must say I felt the need to go back and forth testing what I heard was best! Having the Triton 1s certainly is a component to a magical setup, but there are many factors which I am quickly learning. Audessey setting are now turned off, as recommended by GE, but you can start their to get the initial distances and listen to the tones to see if the speakers are plugged in correctly.

The factors to tame my Triton One setup are so much more so than my 3.1 system upstairs (SS3s, 50C and FF3) The space is much
larger upstairs, but whoever said the FF3 is not powerful enough, you've got to be kidding me, unless you have greater than 9 foot ceilings and difficult room dynamics, my 9 o'clock setting is plenty! My analogy to taming beast, if that you suddenly have something that performs almost perfectly, any discrepencies can jump out at you from your settings, and this is a good thing.

Good for my upstair set up too!

Well back to my Triton One setup. Now with the front three channels amplified, and the other channels running off my receiver, I can tell you without question, this is NOT a good idea and don't believe it if other tell you otherwise. My intial run with all speakers driven by my receiver was fine, it was good. Now the contrast is night and day, in fact I can tell you I can barely hear my other channels (250W vs 125W), so is this a bad thing?

Yes, I'm wasting my setup as a whole (espcially in a 5.1 system and up), but I don't regret adding XPA-1Ls, they compliment the system well both in music and movies. So now I am expecting delivery of a 5 channel amplifier for my remaining speakers.
The Emotiva XPA-5 Gen 2 was chosen to compliment the system.
Despite this, I had watched Forest Gump, one of my all time favorite movies. The sequence when Forest is running away from the
bullies throwing stones at him, with braces on his feet running away while being chased from the boys on bikes, is simply outstanding, the "cat-chink," metal clanking sound of his braces breaking apart and the boys on their bikes giving chase, brings the sound immersive feeling to a new level, so much so you feel rewarded by your choices. Watching to the very end, even when Forest talks besides Jenny's grave scene, I got so choked up, I was at an emotional edge, yes the movie is that good, and sound is elevated by your own response.

My XPA-5 Gen 2 has arrived, all connected, receiver settings once again check, watched Avengers,Edge of Tomorrow. So my take away from this is that although the surround speakers play a little louder, there is an audible difference from being driven from receiver alone, you can hear it from Multi-Channel stereo to confirm this. However, how movie tracks lay down the audio, you
won't get it naturally from forward dialogue, but fighters whizzing past is a whole different scenario. I don't regret adding the amplifier, but my take away concerns me about what to add for my surrounding speakers as an upgrade from my in-ceilings, are they
worth even upgrading? I'm sure others will have different mileage, but the idea here is that I report mine!

Tone adjustment is important here, in the receiver speaker settings, you need to listen to the tone and adjust the volume of the speakers to match, I'm currently giving my surround a gain to see if I appreciate this more, of course, early days yet, I am now fine tuning with my 5 channel amp, but mostly I am pleased.

I originally criticized the SCXL not matching to the same titanic caliber of the Triton Ones, saying you really need a Triton 1C to do that. After more breaking in and manual adjustments on the receiver end, especially for "dialogue" gain, I have to say for my room, they are matching great if not perfect! With the added amplification, and with correct settings, I realize the only things not matching with the Triton 1s for me, is size, price and other numbers on the spec sheet.

So what can you take away from my initial thoughts: Yeah, they are very satisfying :) A deep one at that.
You need to spend some time, making sure your setup is all playing nicely, before you can really pass judgment, it may be early days for me yet, but even race car with poorly tuned suspension will do poorly. Otherwise I'm another one who has been won over. Conclusions from the Triton Ones, toe them in and enjoy, it's really that simple as they are concerned, the rest depends on your settings in your receiver.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Moderator, WayneWilmeth, rjohn79395, T Cobe, fredting

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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 3 months ago
Hi Po and thanks for taking the time and trouble to do such a good write up!!!!!
It was well done, I appreciate that.
I like you Gung Ho Po attitude!!!!!
Sounds like you have made some real improvements to your system.
I don't know for sure, BUT I would bet that the T7s as your surrounds would work wonders for home theater, movie watching sound.
On movies where there is real content in the surrounds. And MANY movies these days do have good, full range content in the surround channels.
Just a thought, but whatever you do, you are on the right track, go for it!!!!
And enjoy the music and movies!!!!!
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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T Cobe Posted 9 years 3 months ago

Nice write up, indeed. Thanks for the feedback on the amps. I plan to go that route as well. I've been leaning towards the T3s lately for surrounds and keeping my Aon 3s for the rear surrounds. The T3s should give enough full frequency detail for surrounds and provide additional LFE for better dispersion. My other thought was T5s and. FF5 behind my couch. I'm sure any mix would sound great.

If you have time, can you give us some additional feedback on the XPA-1L? Specifically, how is the bass response and overall volume? Do you feel the 1L is powerful enough or would you upgrade to the XPA-1 if you had to did it again? I suspect the 1L is more than enough but I haven't seen too many reviews with them paired up with the T1s. Thanks.


T Cobe
Speakers: Triton One L/R, SCXL, Aon 3 Surr/Back, HTR-7000 Height
Pre/Pro/AVR: Anthem AVM 60, Emotiva XSP-1
Amps: Emotiva XPA-5(2), Emotiva XPA-1L (2)
Sources: Oppo BDP-103D, Emotiva ERC-3, PS4, Pioneer PLX-1000 w/Ortofon 2M Bronze
Display: Epson 6030 UB, Elite Screens 110" Sable
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fopmc Posted 9 years 3 months ago
Thank you Wayne,

Although credit does go to you for recommending the T1s and advising "buy the best speakers you can afford" and something along the lines about your room/house sizes can change? :)

I think it's one of the signature advice here on the forum, of course there are other members who helped me reach this decision and of course Sandy for bringing to us such joy!

Regarding the surrounds, it's been fine tuning and testing up to this point. I think I am at a good point to relisten to the surround side of things before I decide. I will report as I go and find out. Yes, the system has seen a lot of growth, but I really don't want to chase too much afterwards, hence me going slowly. Of course I need other users like you, T Cobe, Art and our mysterious Moderator to name a few who have been really helpful in sharing their setup and experience.

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Moderator Posted 9 years 3 months ago

fopmc wrote: Of course I need other users like you, T Cobe, Art and our mysterious Moderator to name a few who have been really helpful in sharing their setup and experience.


Mysterious ... cool! Thanks, I like the sound of that. :)

Glad we were able to help!
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fopmc Posted 9 years 3 months ago

T Cobe wrote: Po,

Nice write up, indeed. Thanks for the feedback on the amps. I plan to go that route as well. I've been leaning towards the T3s lately for surrounds and keeping my Aon 3s for the rear surrounds. The T3s should give enough full frequency detail for surrounds and provide additional LFE for better dispersion. My other thought was T5s and. FF5 behind my couch. I'm sure any mix would sound great.

If you have time, can you give us some additional feedback on the XPA-1L? Specifically, how is the bass response and overall volume? Do you feel the 1L is powerful enough or would you upgrade to the XPA-1 if you had to did it again? I suspect the 1L is more than enough but I haven't seen too many reviews with them paired up with the T1s. Thanks.


T Cobe

I thought about this too, but I wrote off the T3 after hearing how close the T5 are to the T2 with subs! Writing off seems harsh, but I rather the idea of two MVPP drivers over the one, something I never understood about the T3. If looking at it just diagrammatically, I think the T3s could have two, something I wish the lineup will update soon with a mark II, just so a T4 doesn't feel compromised if one ever gets released with it powered or not! :)

Otherwise as I keep telling myself even the T7s would be great.....
Something is funny about the XPA-1L, in class A mode, for pure music, it really does sound great.
I really don't know how loud you need to go.... but I 'personally' I would go 1L everytime! However it is the T1 combo that makes it great!

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