file Triton II Head Room w/ Pioneer SC-1522 Receiver

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Stickday Posted 10 years 8 months ago
Last edit: 10 years 8 months ago by Stickday. info_outline
First off, let's start with an appropriate T2 first impression emoticon or two :woohoo: :evil: !!! I finer set of speakers I have not heard in my home... instruments & voices I never knew were separate from one another! I am still in tinkerin mode though with T2's and 3 SS50's. T2's = 20" from rear wall, 26" from side wall, 13' apart w/ equi-distant seating. Invoked Pioneer MCACC for initial setup. T2 Large - SS Small 100 crossover. The only real surprise is that I have to turn up the volume a few notches higher to get the same impact I had with my former non-powered towers. I kinda expected the opposite. Not really a huge deal, but worried I missed something in the setup.... any ideas? Input is Dish Network Receiver and Oppo 103

As I lusted over GE speakers the last couple of years, I want to give thanks to this forum. Especially those that have made it a true neighborhood (Like Wayne & Anthem's bantering!) and enticed me to go BIG! No, not ready for the T1's... YET!

As an aside I think my Pioneer Class D amps sound great, but may consider outboard amps later on. OK to just add 2 amps for the T2's? Benefits? I know the support FAQs said to use the same all around.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 8 months ago
Hey Stickday,
Welcome to the fun!!!!! Seriously, thank you for the kind words. And I agree totally about the Triton 2s.
This is fun as we quest for the love of music and movies and can enjoy helping each other. Or try.
As I read what you wrote, my first thought is that you have done the easy part, you selected some fantastic speakers. I think that is the BIGGEST single factor to great sound, the speakers make a huge difference. You probably want to move the speakers around a bit, try different positioning and toe in, to try and "dial them in" the best you can. A small move here or there can make a big difference in sound. [Sorry, if you mentioned before, is this home theater? I think it must be with 9.2 channel rec. I would suggest you move the speakers closer together and move your listening position a little closer, keep the equilateral triangle, but make it smaller, most people sit too far from the TV to get a good theater experience. You may find a distance where the sound becomes magical]
After that, you need a really good source of music. I don't know about the Dish, but the Oppo is great.
Then the amps are a tweak area that will make less difference than the room will, in most cases.
The beauty of separate amps is that they can be really high quality, and when technology changes, the processor can be changed out to keep up with 4K or whatever the latest thing is, but you don't have to bother the amps.
IMHO though you have a wonderful system right now, I would just work to tweak it and get the best out of what you have. You can always help the economy any time you want though.
Enjoy the music, enjoy movies, enjoy the ride. And please keep us up to date on what you are doing and finding out.
God Bless, and once again, thanks sincerely for the kind comments.
God bless the child that's got his own.
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Stickday Posted 10 years 8 months ago
Thanks Wayne,

I know GE forum folks recommend NO Audessey, so I will try to discard MCACC and set up manually to see.

Yup I know I'd love to be closer to my Panny VT65 but got SAF issues. I was fortunate to be able to have a seat centered on the system! I will play with placement but DOES ANYONE THINK A 12 foot triangle is too wide for the speakers?

Played around last night and found that a HiRes Chicago II Download through the OPPO running the Receiver on PURE DIRECT gave me copious amounts of volume knob!! I guess because PURE DIRECT turned off MCACC settings.... ?
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Moderator Posted 10 years 8 months ago
Setup looks great, the wider the better, just make sure to toe them in. Viewing distance and listening distance are different topics, the listening setup is excellent.

We've used the MCACC and found it to do a pretty good job in that particular circumstance, try it both ways (auto and manual) and see what sounds best to you in your room. And yes, the new Pioneer digital amps sound quite good. Make sure when you run the MCACC the bass controls of the Tritons were set to yield a "flat" response (usually around 9-10 o'clock on the dial), you can always goose them a bit after running the room EQ. This might have been an issue in the resulting playing level reduction. Turning off the auto setup and doing a manual setup will also answer that question.

Enjoy! Thanks for the nice comments.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 8 months ago
Hey Stickday,
That is a beautiful setup, lovely room and I am sure you are nearly there to getting it to sound fantastic!!!!!
Don't worry, your SAF is letting you have a LOT better setup than so many people out there.
I have a friend who has Triton 2s stuffed back in a little cabinet on both sides of his TV. He is not allowed to put them out on the floor, IN the room at all.
Enjoy, you are blessed already!!!!!
God bless the child that's got his own.
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Stickday Posted 10 years 8 months ago

SIMPLY EXCELLENT advice! I do have Bass a little hot at 11 o'clock figuring "I like Bass" but have noticed it is a bit much on some music pieces. Definitely could be messing my MCACC setup and I will change it up this weekend.

Again, thanks for the support.
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