fuadkamel wrote: One more question ,
For the connection between the pre amp to the amps should i use RCA or XLR cables?
In wire world , the price difference is small ,
Thank you....
A slightly different answer to your question than the one that Wayne provided but still the same recommendation.
In my humble opinion, from the readings I have done and from talking to several sales associates who knew their stuff, an XLR cable connection is always preferred to an RCA jack. The sound quality is better with XLR cables. Yes I agree with Wayne about the solid connection that won't come lose if you accidentally pull on an audio cable but the real reason to use XLR cable is for the improvement in sound.
It cost me a lot of money to upgrade from RCA jacks to XLR because I had the 5 RCA jacks, good quality Audio Quest jacks to. I think I paid $105/cable for mid-line Audio Quest XLR jacks. If I did not have the RCA jacks and had to buy XLR, your probably paying 25% more for the XLR jacks due to the termination connections. I don't know that for a face, just a SWAG.
Assume you know the definition for SWAG -- Scientific Wild Ass Guess
Therefore, my recommendation is to definitely switch to XLR for the cable between the preamp and amp.