file wall spacer for super swivels on SuperSat 3?

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Evan Richardson Posted 9 years 1 week ago
Hey all, Just picked up a set of super sat 3's w/ super swivels to go with my super cinema 3d array sound bar with my super....ok enough supers.

I had a question about the superswivel mounts. When I place them on the Super Sat 3's, and then hold them against the wall with the speakers rotated 90 degrees so they face the listening position, the speakers don't fit exactly 90 degrees...they're maybe...100 degrees or so so that they aim slightly forward. This is due to the width of the 3's. I know the recommendation for 5.1 is slightly behind and above, but I have a sectional that sits right up against the wall, so I can't exactly go behind it is, if they fit against the wall @ 90 degrees it might be 5 degrees or so behind the listening position. I've attached a rendering of the listening position, and circled the spots i plan to mount the speakers.

Will this slightly forward angle be an issue, or should i come up with some sort of spacer (1/4" - 1/2" at most) so that the speakers can be positioned exactly 90 degrees inward?

Also, I read the post here: and it seems mixed... should they be mounted ~2ft above listenint position (or at ear height when standing), or 2ft down from the ceiling? I have ~9ft tall ceilings, so this would be about 7ft up, or if i go with the 2ft above sitting, about 5ft up.

here's the listening position:

and an alternate view, 2ft above listening and 2ft or so from ceiling marked in red pen (bad paint skills):

Thanks in advance for help with these awesome products.
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Moderator Posted 9 years 1 week ago
If you can point them towards the middle of the listening space that will be fine. If not, maybe rear wall mounting instead?

Mounting height depends a bit on your setup. If its an Atmos setup, they need to be at ear level. If you are not doing Atmos, most people prefer to mount them a couple feet above ear level (or higher) pointed down.
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Evan Richardson Posted 9 years 1 week ago
Thanks for the quick reply! It'll ultimately be an Atmos setup, 5.1.2, so looks like ear level it is, and I'll try to get them as close to "back" as possible
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You are here: Home Forum Support SuperSat Series SuperSats wall spacer for super swivels on SuperSat 3?