file Best 5.1 System

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rmunawar9 Posted 11 years 8 months ago
I'm planning to replace my current 5.1/7.1 speaker system with new speakers. I just replaced my Marantz AV with a Cambridge Audio Azur AV and contemplating between options for GE speakers to replace my current Mirage speakers set.
Appreciate the feedback on which option should i go for.
Sub would be Force Field 3 and surround SS3

2 major areas to decide are:
For Center i need to decide between SS50c or SS 60c

For front L & R I can't decide whether i should go with SS50 or AEON 2

Any comments whether AEON 2 would be a better match with the rest of Super Sat speakers or should i go with all Super Sat speakers.

Few things to consider:
I will use the system 90% movies and 10% music. But systems ability to play music well is crucial.
I don't normally blast or listen music/play movies on very high/loud volume.
I can't put Sub near center speaker and would be in one corner of the room near walls
My most common sitting position while watching movies is towards the right corner and not really center of the system more towards the right speaker facing.

Appreciate the feedback and suggestions.

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WayneWilmeth Posted 11 years 8 months ago
Hi rmunawar9,
I will throw in my 2 cents, which just comes from my prejudice, I would go with the Aons. And that is no offense to the SS speakers, but the Aons are MAGIC, IMHO. They are just much better than they have any right to be at their price and size!
And for the Center, I would go with the 60. Bigger is better.
And I would not worry about matching, go with the best speakers you can. My thinking is, sometimes speakers come and go, get the best ones you can. And, being all GE speakers, they will match well enough, again, IMHO.
But I have a coupla questions if you don't mind.
You may be leaving where I am now. I have the Marantz AV7005 and running the floorstanding Mirage v2-FS until I can get my Triton 2s, then the Mirage speakers will become my surround speakers.
Do you mind my asking. which Marantz did you replace with the Cambridge and why? How much better is the Cambridge? In what way? What amps do you use with it? Would love to hear any comparisons between the GE speakers you choose and the Mirages you are replacing as well.
Keep us informed IF you would please.
All the best, have fun listening,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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anthem Posted 11 years 8 months ago
Hey rmunawar9:

I found a dime today so I'll put in my ten cents. I agree with what Wayne said (he seems to know his stuff).

60c for center duty. Might also want to see how 1 or 2 Aon 2's sound as the center channel.

Aon 2's (hands down) for front L/R. If they are anything like the Aon 3's you won't want too leave your seat. :)
D-Sonic m3a-600m Mono > McIntosh MC152 > Primaluna ProLogue Premium Preamp > Oppo UDP205 > Decware ZLC > Triton Reference > Isoacoustics Gaia 2 > Canare 4S11 Speaker Cables > Audience Forte 3, Anticable L3 & Shunyata Venom PC's

Every great performance deserves an Audience!

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rmunawar9 Posted 11 years 8 months ago
Thanks Wayne for your reply and clarification. Honestly my heart is also towards AON but just wanted to confirm that it won't be a bad choice then to put the same SS as the rest speakers.
I love gadgets and been playing around with AV/Speakers for a long time. I love Marantz and i think there's no other AV better than Marantz in that category/class. In this class/category i have used Denon 4312, Marantz 6006, Yamaha, Onkyo & Pioneer and after using all i rate Marantz the best and IMHO Onkyo as the least fav (Actually i would prefer not to use AV instead of using Onkyo) purely cuz of my listening preferences (Warm Sound, Kinda hate Sharp sound).
Same goes for speakers I love Mirage speakers and found them one of the best, have also tried many other brands including DefTech, Polk Audio, Yamaha and few others. Mirage gives a different but pleasant experience.
But after using Marantz for a long time and Mirage i was looking for upgrade to next class/category to find something better so i started my research and shortened my list to Cambridge Audio, NAD & Arcam. I think they are all together a different/higher class/category than the AVs i mentioned above.
During this research me and my wife listened to many AVRs including Harmon Kardon, Marantz 6007 & Denon and her & mine feedback was there's no need for us to upgrade if we want to opt for any one of these.
But after listening to CA she said this is why we should consider an upgrade and i share the same sentiments.
Out of Arcam, NAD & CA we opted for CA cuz Arcam only sounded good with large speakers and didn't produce a good sound while using with small speakers (Both B&W) NAD was also not as impressive as CA.
What i look for in an AVR and speaker is clarity & details which must be experience at lower volume as well not just on high.
CA do what an AVR should do impressive sound a lot more clear and detail, you must go and demo and you will find a visible difference than the traditional AVRs.
For speakers I have shortlisted 3 brands Cabasse, CA Minx & GE... again we demo many other brands but none of them impressed my wife & me the way Cabasse did and she was just stuck to that we should buy Cabasse and i must say for their size they are excellent speakers very musical & warm.
Minx i have yet to demo but i have read great reviews about them. But after Cabasse i took my wife for the demo of GE SS & AEONs. We Demo SS3, SS50c, SS60c & AEON in different combos.
Only after listening to GE my wife said she doesn't want Cabasse and want me to buy GE, Base, Vocals and warmth of speakers is great. We were so emerged in the demo (A movie which we could have seen dozen of times during dozen of demos) that we kept watching that movie for almost half an hour.
I think based on the feedback i will go with SS60c, AEON 2 (FL/FR) & SS3 (SL/SR) and now compare this option with CA Minx as Cabasse is out. It would be either CA Minx or GE combo.
Any one has any feedback on CA Minx especially the Minx 21?
BTW Let me say this that honestly after upgrading to CA my current speakers perform so well that i keep wondering why do i still want to change my speakers (May be it's just the excitement of change which is pushing me to buy new)

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WayneWilmeth Posted 11 years 8 months ago
Thanks Anthem for your 10 cents (and the kind compliment) and rmunawar9, WOW that was a whole Dollar and a quarter worth!!!!
Seriously, thanks for the explanation. It sounds like you are working toward a GREAT sounding system. And I believe we have very similar ideas of what does sound good.
So can I please ask you, which Cambridge Azur did you get? I am searching for it, is it their 751R Upsampling receiver? or other?
I really believe you cannot go wrong with the GE Aons, either the 2 or the 3.
Please keep us informed on your progress. This is FUN!!!!
God bless the child that's got his own.

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rmunawar9 Posted 11 years 8 months ago
I'm glad that my response satisfied you. Well i have a habit that for certain reasons i don't like to go for the TOP model of any series, so i was considering buying Azur 651R same like Marantz 6006. But then i looked at prices for both 651r and 551r and i decided to go for 551r for 2 reasons.
1. 551r had a promotion price which includes CA S70 HTS speakers as part of the bundle. I knew that i have no use of CA speakers but whether i buy the promotion package or just AV price had only nominal difference. (This contributed only 20% in my decision)
2. Most imp reason was that i kept comparing specs and features of both 551r and 651r and i realize there are only very few difference between both i.e
1. High RMS (To me doesn't make any difference as i was ok with 551r RMS as well) 551r (60W) vs 661r (100W) all channel
2. 651r comes with Audyssy but only 2EQ, which to me is like not having is better :) not worth the upgrade

Frankly i'm not a features/functionality guy to me TV job is to show good picture so i would go for TV with best PQ/VQ and won't be bother about all those features which every vendor in market tout to sell today. Same goes for everything i buy and same was the logic for me to go with CA Azur or even 551r model. Frankly even 751r doesn't have features those are available in an entry level Onkyo, Yamaha or Pioneer models. but to me i need an AV for best sound not for that i can control it through my phone :)

Anyways 751r is an excellent model and has many cool features but if you don't need upsampling, 6in/2out HDMI and 2 Subs then i think for sound quality even 551r will do an excellent job and it's a very cool nice looking slim AVR. I have no regrets and i'm glad cuz this gives me more budget to spend on speakers 551r here is almost half the price of 751r.

Well i'm not considering Aons 3 cuz of size and placement, Mon/Tue i will be doing my last round of Demos for few other speakers but some how i have a feeling that i will end up buying GE :) like today i did demo of Q Acoustics, JBL & BOSE (was pushed to listen to them as well by the showroom guy) i only like Q Acoustics very nice speakers but still wasn't close enough to producing the sound of GE.

Will keep you posted with the progress of my Quest in the mean time if you would need any more information on CA, Arcam, NAD or any other HT related gadget feel free to contact me.

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