file Supercenter Reference Rattle noise

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lmclacr Posted 10 months 11 hours ago
Need some help!!!
I have a weird rattle noise in my supercenter refence when I run ARC Genesis (Anthem AVM70) with tones.

Thought it was a vibration going to my AV furniture but after multiple tests, I confirm it is really something inside the speaker that is vibrating and causing this rattle noise. I even bought Isoacoutic feet thinking this would fix the problem....But still the same.

I don't hear it when I listen movies... .just when running arc tones on that channel. However I am sure it change the reading as the mic is picking up this noice.

I tried with another supercenter reference and the noise was there as well.

Have you experience or hear about something similar?
Anything that can be done do fix this?

In advance I thank you

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Moderator Posted 9 months 4 weeks ago
Hi Imclacr, It sounds like you're hearing a cabinet resonance or a speaker component resonance as the speaker is trying to play bass frequencies. This would explain why you're hearing this sound when sending test tones to the speaker and not when watching movies. It would also explain why you're hearing this sound from more than one SuperCenter Reference. The SuperCenter Reference is a great center speaker, however, it's not designed to play bass frequencies. I would recommend setting your receiver to small center speaker (or using a crossover frequency in the range of 70hz-80hz). This will allow you to hear more clarity and detail throughout the midrange frequencies. It should also keep you from hearing any cabinet/speaker resonances from this center speaker.

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lmclacr Posted 9 months 3 weeks ago
Thanks. This explanation makes sense.
However I can't control the frequency of the Arc test tones.

Is there any risk of damaging the speaker?

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Moderator Posted 9 months 3 weeks ago
Hi Imclacr, Sending full range test tones to the SuperCenter Reference should not cause any problems or harm to this center channel speaker. Happy Listening!

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