file 60c vs XXL

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Steveo Posted 9 years 2 months ago
Here is a photo of the back of my t1s. The cable is probably lamp wire I don't know the brand as it was bought in a little jamo home theatre in a box (which were great!)

If it's any help I remember I had an old pioneer vsx 920 on my little jamos and their version of pure direct sounded crap as well so I never used it either. I never put them down to musical speakers so it never bothered me.

The only common denominator was the cables I was using so this could be the issue. I have changed speakers and the reciever to the Yamaha but the cables are the same. But the sound is that poor I can't see how wires could improve pure direct but I could be wrong.
Triton Ref Pair, Supercenter Ref, SS 3's surr
Digital-Nimitra Server>USPCB>Iso Regen>TX Ultra>chord mscaler>chord dave>deqx hdp5
Analog-Technics sp10mk2, Ortofon Quintet Black , Michell Tecnoarm
Bel Canto REF600m L & R, Emotiva Xpa 5 Gen 3 for Center and rears
Subs 2xJTR 2400captivator
PS Audio P10
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Steveo Posted 9 years 2 months ago
I listen during the day to anywhere from - 35db to about - 25db. I sometimes push it to - 20db and on some lower songs - 15db bit it's only for a few seconds. Unfortunately I am in a unit so I am courteous with the neighbours even during the day. Even with the t1 s in minimal bass and in auralex platforms I am still worries about the neighbours below me lol.

On and since you know the Yamaha I also always use the compressed music enhancer. This always makes it sound better in my eq settings. Pure direct is the worst by a mile. My eq settings are 100% better and the compressed music button is about 120 % better than pure direct so this always stays on. This is why it's hard for me to believe it's just the mp3 format.

Sorry for so many replies. I really appreciate everyone helping me with this. Don't get me wrong it's not a deal breaker and I am enjoying the t1 a with mp3 music in my settings. The fact however that you said your pure direct sounds a lot better than my eq settings is why I am questing my set up.

It could very well be something I am doing for sure. I might ring a audio installer to take a look. Any suggestions for Sydney anyone? I might go back to my dealer too. And the other dealer who sold me the Yamaha. Unfortunately they are two different guys. I bought the reciever before I even heard about goldenear.
Triton Ref Pair, Supercenter Ref, SS 3's surr
Digital-Nimitra Server>USPCB>Iso Regen>TX Ultra>chord mscaler>chord dave>deqx hdp5
Analog-Technics sp10mk2, Ortofon Quintet Black , Michell Tecnoarm
Bel Canto REF600m L & R, Emotiva Xpa 5 Gen 3 for Center and rears
Subs 2xJTR 2400captivator
PS Audio P10
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Steveo Posted 9 years 2 months ago
Update since earlier I just tried a Michael Jackson cd in my ps3 and played it in pure direct and it sounded pretty much the same so I don't think it's an mp3 vs flac or cd issue.

Maybe I just don't like the sound of pure direct? Is it even possible for someone to hear triton 1s in pure direct mode and not like it? It doesn't seem right as they are really fantastic speakers.

Sorry for so many posts in a row. I wrote my other posts hours ago but they don't update in the forum until they are approved. So I am not trying to spam or anything.
Triton Ref Pair, Supercenter Ref, SS 3's surr
Digital-Nimitra Server>USPCB>Iso Regen>TX Ultra>chord mscaler>chord dave>deqx hdp5
Analog-Technics sp10mk2, Ortofon Quintet Black , Michell Tecnoarm
Bel Canto REF600m L & R, Emotiva Xpa 5 Gen 3 for Center and rears
Subs 2xJTR 2400captivator
PS Audio P10
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WayneWilmeth Posted 9 years 2 months ago
Hey Steveo,
We feel your pain Mate!!!!
It is not fun to post and it does not show up for hours. And you feel you need to post more.
But taking this in bits, #1 there is a sound that you like and you CAN get on your system. So, that takes the pressure off a LOT in my opinion. At least you are not up a creek without a paddle!
#2 You are an intelligent guy and are paying attention, trying your best, so I have EVERY confidence this will be worked out soon to your satisfaction. It could be something small (like mis-wiring your speakers, this happens!), OR it could be an equipment problem, something wrong with your Yammy.
#3 YPAO or whatever Yamaha calls it, MAY not be the best way to check your speaker wiring, you can have another good look (I could not tell much from your pic), but it would not hurt a thing to just switch ONE (only one) speaker wiring red to black. And have a listen and see if it corrected the problem, or if it got worse?
#4 IF you can, please borrow a different receiver from someone and try it out.
#5 Wiring, cables can make quite a difference, NOT night and day, in my experience, they are as you said, not as important as your source, not as big a deal as between MP3 and a Hi-Rez FLAC. BUT, having said that, I cannot imagine buying such great speakers as you have and not feeding them a better source and using much better cables.
I don't know Sydney, so can't help there, I use some Silver Resolution cables from Signal Cable ( which are not that expensive and Frank ships to me in Thailand (just their normal, cheaper interconnects used to be Stereophile Recommended components), and some MIT cables (awesome but probably hard to justify the cost). I am not affiliated with any of these folks, but you asked what I use.
Once again, hoping this helps, hang in there Buddy, you will get there.
AND IF it works out that you are just one of a few people who like your music EQ'd with bass and treble boosted, then, so be it, there is nothing wrong with that.
Enjoy, God Bless, Wayne
God bless the child that's got his own.
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Splash51 Posted 9 years 2 months ago
Hi all, I agree trying a different receiver can identify if the Yamaha is failing.

Wayne, The YPAO 1st does a check for attached speakers, then a phase check. If any errors it will stop the YPAO and give you the errors found. If speaker or speakers are out of phase it will tell you which ones. I would let it complete at this point to see how it sounds. It is possible there is a setting Steveo has accidently set and does not know or remember doing?? Its easy to do:) The YPAO will give us a good benchmark to start working from. It will verify good connections and base settings. I HIGHLY recommend doing this before we go any further.

Cables can make a big difference but I don't think it will sound like what is described.
Your listening levels sare fine I listen around -27db -32db

Steveo I am using Audio Quest Go4 for speakers and Golden Gate for interconnects.
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Moderator Posted 9 years 2 months ago
Keep in mind, too, that quite often room correction incorrectly identifies a speaker as being out of phase. These devices have a lot to do and sometimes their reports are incorrect.

Regarding your source files, unless the MP3 files are very low bitrate, there should be little tonal balance difference in MP3 vs. FLAC. Mind you, there will be plenty of difference, just likely not a huge one tonally. I'd venture something similar with cables, too. Cables can make small tonal and detail differences, with the effect becoming more pronounced if the system is quite revealing to start with. So, for an analogy I doubt anyone has heard before... If they're not defective in some way, then good cables are kind of like sprinkles on a frosted cupcake. They make a nice improvement on a good one but can't rescue one that's not so great to start with. Of course, I'm not certain if star shaped sprinkles sound (taste) better or worse than other shapes. Now THAT would make for quite an A/B test! ;)

Regarding your receiver, if possible, dig as deep into the setup menus as you can to make sure anything and everything is truly off when Pure Direct mode is initiated. It may be, but is worth a check to be certain.

Trying another receiver will also be informative. Just make certain, as above, that it has a "real" direct mode with nothing else modifying the sound.
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