file Golden Ear Triton Two Speakers

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Michigan Posted 13 years 2 months ago
B) When I heard the Triton Two Speakers in the showroom....they sounded great on music.....and were not connected to a Home Theater....I bought them.....put them in my high end Home Theater.....had a really hard time getting them balanced in my system....I was actually disappointed at first....after weeks of finally came to me....the manuel says when using the LFE cables..... still set your front speakers on large....I feel this is a mistake.... because your speakers are getting bass from the left and right speaker wires and the LFE from your surround overdrives the bass drivers and the midrange drivers....making them sound very forward....I've spent weeks with the speakers set on if you set your speakers on small....there is no subwoofer information for the left and right speaker wires to draw more bass....only through the LFE...and that solved the overdriving of the speakers... and the speakers sound Awesome....through much listening....I also found out your bass sounds much more natural and deep without any THX processing involved....sorry the Triton Two Speakers are what I wanted them to sound like....natural and very dynamic....Thanks....Golden Ear....I get great sound and awesome bass....

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Moderator Posted 13 years 2 months ago
Thanks for your feedback. The manual is correct, I cannot explain the results you had in your set up but what you describe is not correct for industry standard bass management scenarios. Regardless, I am glad you got your system working to your satisfaction and that's all that really matters.

In general, we strongly recommend NOT using the LFE input as it adds a layer of confusion and setup complexity that has absolutely no benefits.

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Michigan Posted 13 years 2 months ago
Last edit: 13 years 2 months ago by Moderator. Reason: typo correction info_outline
Just adding to my review because of my experience....I really want people to set up their home theaters to get the best sound....I've worked with Sony's SDDS mastering studios and Universal Studios evaluating equipment and sound tracks...As far as industry standards go....there are none....thats why blu-rays are such a practically have to own three blu-ray players so you can play all your blu-ray discs...the generalization that if you have large left and right speakers... set them on generally're taking bass away from your subwoofers....and don't know one tower speaker that can handle low LFE information overdrives them...expecially the Triton Two's...and as far as the the LFE hookup has no benefits whatsoever...I'm sure where that came from....if you set your crossovers correctly you won't need to set your towers on large anyway.....towers should not try to perform any frequencies below 45 hz ever....I set my crossover at 50 hz...and basically that is full range for a tower....and then your subwoofers are doing the job they were meant to do....I've written professional reviews with alot of other professionals...and they all agree this is the correct way to set up a Home Theater correctly.....most manuels are incorrect...unfortunately....with Digital material anyway....two channel analog with the Triton Two's works fine with subwoofer set on no....and set on large....otherwise on Digital sources....set on small....The Triton Two speakers are some of the best speakers I've ever tested....but I'm not at liberty to say who I actually work for....

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Moderator Posted 13 years 2 months ago
Thank you for your kind comments regarding the Triton Two. I usually do not respond to customer reviews but I am concerned readers will take your information as fact rather than circumstances-based opinion. I will not comment on the BluRay issue, although I have been happily using one BluRay player to play all my BlurRay discs and I'm sure many of the readers have the same experience. (I hate to see the only true high-fidelity format thrown under the bus.)

Setting Left and Right to large may be generally wrong for most floorstanding loudspeakers, but not for the vast majority of home installations of the Triton Two (which is clearly not your typical floorstanding speaker when it comes to low frequency performance). The overdrive comment is clearly wrong for 99.9% of the applications, which is obvious in a store demo at any of our GoldenEar dealers. I have personally heard dozens of TritonCinema systems setup as per our suggestions, some of them in very large rooms, and the bass was not overdriven even during chest-crunching/pants-shaking levels of bass.

I agree that at very high volume playback of wide-dynamics source material in a very large space, the Triton Two can certainly be augmented by a SERIOUS stand-alone subwoofer with a crossover in the 40-60 Hz range. This is great for 2ch, but doing so in a home theater setup with a matching SuperSat 50C center channel will NOT work correctly, do the nature of the bass management filters. If added bass is demanded we suggest adding an LFE-only subwoofer (still setting the Triton Two L/R speaker as Large but subwoofer set to Yes) to properly direct center channel low frequencies to the Tritons and not the sub.

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Michigan Posted 13 years 2 months ago
B) Now that everyone has been very patient with my opinions...especially the to the fun stuff....I know that everyone will not agree with me....but that just proves how versatile the Triton Two Speakers really are....since I have more time on my hands to relax....there is not a day I don't look forward to turning my system on....and how proud I am of an accomplished system of my own....just to show how good the Triton Two's are....I have four Paradigm Signature 15's connected to my main system....and they blend right in perfectly....and with everything secure on the walls and my foundation insurance up to can imagine how low I can get with these speakers....and with my Anthem Processor....I love where you can hear the walls shake before I even hear the bass sometimes....Now Anthem of Sonic Frontiers... has even said I have Golden Ears and has me listen for them for my opinion....and when I heard the Golden Ear Technology company by Golden Ears perked up....get this....I switched my Paradigm S8 speakers for my Triton Two's....I still love my S8's,...but the Triton Two's gives me more versatility....I always said if I could just have some of level control with towers I could tune them better...and thats just what I got.....Thanks again....Golden Ear....not me....them....I hope everyone has Happy Holidays....And good sound....

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Moderator Posted 13 years 2 months ago
:lol: No worries ... it's all good!

OK, you win, The Triton Twos will not keep up with FOUR Signature subs, in extension or output (I believe EACH of them costs about as much as a pair of Tritons). I've used ONE of those subs in a "normal" size theater room and it was overwhelming. I can't imagine the output of four ... yikes. BTW, the speaker change and use of Anthem electronics is something we have in common...

Thanks for the audiophile Holiday Wishes - same to you and all of our forum readers. May your GoldenEar(s) be happy and healthy all year long!

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