file Looking for Speaker for 7.2.4 Dolby System

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Parag Lohiya Posted 8 years 2 months ago
Last edit: 8 years 2 months ago by Parag Lohiya. Reason: Updating Address for better information and adding more products. info_outline

I am making my home theater 7.2.4 (Dolby Atmos) and would like to buy products for it.

I am looking for used/refurbished/ open box items / or new cheap products.

I already got 2x Triton 3+ speaker ($2000) and Anthem MRX 1120 ($2200) receiver

1. Super center xxl /xl (1)
2. Super Sub xl / xxl (2) or Forefield 4/5 (2) I am confused which would be better and cheaper :)
3. Invisa 550 / 650 (4)
4. Aon 3 (4) for rare and side speaker
5. Projector Screen (100-120 inch)
6. Epson Pro 5030/6030UB

I wold like some inputs on using Triton 5/7 instead of Aon 3 for rare and side speaker (this will increase the budget)

My Zip Code : 20874 (Germantown MD)
I can travel 100-150 miles but only on weekend.

Please provide me with any suggestions that would be best fitted for creating a good home theater system.

Thanks for reading this.
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T Cobe Posted 8 years 2 months ago

Welcome to the forum and congrats on the T3+ purchase! It sounds like you have some great equipment and ideas moving forward. Just a few suggestions and opinions to contribute.

Regarding the projector, I'd suggest the 5030 over the 6030 for a few reasons. The picture is essentially the same and I think reasonably priced 4K projectors are a year or two away. No need for an extra build or additional warranty if you may upgrade. In fact you could go down in the line as well and still have a great experience.

I use a 110" Sable fixed frame screen by Elite Screens. You may want to consult with someone on this one to make sure you get the right screen material once you pick out your projector. I have a dedicated theater room and good ambient light control, so this screen worked very well for me. I like the fixed frame screens due to stability and uniformity of screen surface. Retractable screens almost always have some issues and imperfections. Again, depends on your application.

I use Aon 3 speakers for surrounds and rears. They are great little speakers. The 5/7 would be better if you have the space and budget, but the Aons don't give up much. I think you would be happy with them and they are very flexible for mounting options. They don't give up much in terms of sound quality with placement either. They are a great little speaker with a lot of versatility.

Great pick on the Anthem. I think you are headed in the right direction with all of your choices. Keep us posted on your progress.


T Cobe
Speakers: Triton One L/R, SCXL, Aon 3 Surr/Back, HTR-7000 Height
Pre/Pro/AVR: Anthem AVM 60, Emotiva XSP-1
Amps: Emotiva XPA-5(2), Emotiva XPA-1L (2)
Sources: Oppo BDP-103D, Emotiva ERC-3, PS4, Pioneer PLX-1000 w/Ortofon 2M Bronze
Display: Epson 6030 UB, Elite Screens 110" Sable
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