file setup Q

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cgott42 Posted 1 year 3 months ago
Sorry for all of the posts. Upgrading my setup - just bought SuperCenter Reference + BRX bookshelf from auth. dealers, and Invisa HT7000, Invisa 600 + Super Sub XXL on the used market (already have Aon3)
and planning to buy supersat3's as needed
Room not very big: size approx 20' across and 13' front to back, with MLP 3' from back, and ceiling is low (approx. 4 1/2 feet from ear level)
How is best to use them?
I was thinking : BRX as front L/R about 6' from side wall, 1' in front of back wall, Aon3 as side surrounds (along side wall), Aon2 as front L/R height in corner of room, HTR7000 as rear L/R height in back corners of room, and SuperSat 3 as L/R rear surrounds?
What do you suggest? Shoudl I use the Aon2's as the rear surrounds and SS3 as front L/R height? any other changes you'd suggest

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Moderator Posted 1 year 3 months ago
Hi cgott42, the setup you've described should sound great. (Using the BRXs as your front speakers, the Aon 3s as your side surrounds, the Aon 2s as your front height speakers, the SuperSat 3s as your rear surrounds, and the Invisa HTR7000s as your rear height speakers is exactly how I would setup this system.) I would suggest placing the front height Aon 2s high on the wall surface, and I would direct or aim the rear height Invisa HTR 7000s directly toward the main listening position. You might also try spreading out the BRXs just a bit more. Maybe try placing them 5 feet away from the side walls - or 10 feet apart. While I have you, if you have any customer service questions/concerns/recommendation requests, feel free to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. GoldenEar's customer service group would be more than glad to help.

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