file Need advice on two items related to the 3D Array set up please

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MichaelM Posted 4 months 1 week ago
Here are the items I will be working with - LG 55" TV, Marantz Cinema 70s 7.1, along with
Goldenear SuperCinema 3D, 2 Triton 7, Super Center.

The ideal is for regular use to have the Triton and Super Center. At late night or with multiple youth, have the soundbar attached to the TV and swing it out at an angle (where other seats are located).

Any suggestion on a good wall mount for this size TV AND what to buy to mount the soundbar to the TV/Wallmount.

Also, are there any good A/B speaker switches? I don't mind getting 3 of them to match the LCR just want clean sound.

My guess on the latter is I might have to start off with the Tritons sans the center channel as Zone 2 and the 3D Array soundbar
as Zone 1.

I would really appreciate any sage advice here. I know this is an odd mix but we have all sorts of compromises here.

Thanks in advance

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Moderator Posted 4 months 4 days ago
Hi MichaelM, I would consider using a pivoting television wall bracket and sound bar bracket from Sanus. They have several pivoting wall brackets and sound bar brackets that should work with a 55" television and our SuperCinema 3D Array sound bar. You should be able to mount the sound bar to the television and have both the sound bar and television pivot together.

In terms of speaker switch boxes (or speaker selectors), I haven't seen any switch boxes or selectors that allow for 3 x inputs and 3 x outputs. It may not be the most elegant solution, but you might consider using 2 x separate switch boxes. One for the center channel channel output on your receiver - to your two center speakers, and another switch box for the left and right outputs on your receiver. Using two of the the Niles SS-4 speaker switch boxes should work well. Happy Listening!

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MichaelM Posted 4 months 3 days ago
Thank you* for the suggestion of the Sanus wall mount. It was in my list of potential choices. I did think of possibly using two or even three switch boxes (A/B for the latter). I did find one issue - The Triton 7 and Super Center cut off point would be lower than the soundbar. In short, I would likely have to manually adjust each time I switch from one to the other. It is unclear if it would be harmful if I set up for the Triton LCR set up and left it that way for the soundbar. Would that cause any issue for the soundbar. I will not be at this time using a subwoofer. I do plan to get one later (small room possibly Forcefield 3 or 4 or the 30 or 40. Thoughts?

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Moderator Posted 4 months 3 days ago
Hi MichaelM, Using two or three switch boxes seems like the way to go. I'm not sure if there's any benefit to using three switch boxes over two, but either way should work fine. Changing the settings on your receiver every time you switch between the sound bar and the separate speakers seems like a pain....You might try using a settings that would work "well enough" on both the sound bar and the separate speakers. In this case, I would consider setting your front three speakers to small and selecting a crossover frequency of 80hz. This would work well with the separate speakers and the crossover frequency would be a bit low for the sound bar. However, as long as you play your sound bar at low to moderate listening volumes, you should be okay. Last, in a small listening room, the ForceField 3 or ForceField 30 should work quite well. (The ForceField 30 can play a bit louder, and has a bit more detail, but either subwoofer should work well.) Happy Listening!

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MichaelM Posted 3 months 1 week ago
If I may trouble you one more time - Most soundbar mounts (rails) to attach a soundbar to a TV that is mounted are for 15lbs and less. Is there a brand/model of soundbar mount you folks could suggest? Is Sanus capable of holding 17lbs without the bar slipping down?

Thanks much...slowly but surely getting there! Thanks for the info on Niles.

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You are here: Home Forum Support SuperCinema 3D Array Need advice on two items related to the 3D Array set up please