file Forcefield 40 vs Supersub X?

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Chad2815 Posted 2 years 1 month ago
How do these compare? Will be adding one of them to my Triton 1R’s and Forcefield 5. With the Supersub X on sale the price is very close. Anyone have or had both so I can make a decision?

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Moderator Posted 2 years 1 month ago
Hi Chad2815, Both the ForceField 40 and SuperSub X subwoofers sound clean and detailed - and they're both quite powerful. They would both be at home in a top-of-the-line home theater system as well as a 2-channel music only system. Both of these subwoofers have their own personality, though. The ForceField 40 has great impact on transients. (Some listeners might say "it hits hard".) In addition, since the ForceField 40 is quick and articulate, it also blends quite well with most loudspeakers. I would describe the SuperSub X as sounding quick and detailed as well...but it's also sounds a bit fuller or richer than the ForceField 40. Ultimately, I would describe the SuperSub X as being bit more "musical". You really can't go wrong with either subwoofer. Happy Listening!

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