file Triton 2s, a longer listen in my home now

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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 8 months ago
Yeah, Moderator Dude, and maybe some electric cables to plug em in. And someplace to sit and listen too might be in the cards one of these days.
I want to give the T3s a go here in the living room, even though it is a BIG room with HIGH ceilings. I played them a couple of days in the home theater (much smaller space) and sorta convinced myself that they might be able to fill the bill in the big room. I really was drooling to get the T2s set up in the HT. So I moved the 3s into the living room, and am in awe of how the T2s sound in the home theater.
I sure wish I was home now to listen to either pair of bad boys, but had to come to India to work, and pay for my "hobby".
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 8 months ago
The Bad news first: Got to Mumbai, all ready to work this morning and my work has been put off for one week. Therefore, no pay for this week. OUCH. Gotta fly back on Sat.
The Good news: I am in the Mumbai airport on my way home to listen to more music and continue to set up my new darlings.
My fantastic GoldenEar distributor has sent me the missing cables, aftermarket better ones. They are at home waiting for me to hook things up and rock and roll.
As my dist. loaned me a ForceField 5 to audition, he is sending me a connector to hook it up, I have the sub pre-wired in for balanced connectors, he is sending a balanced to unbalanced connector so I can hear how that bad boy sounds.
Time is short, so I will have to do some power listening before going back to work for another week.
Flying all night. Will be wasted tomorrow. But we do what we have to do.
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 7 months ago
Well guys, decisions, decisions.
I am still breaking in my Tritons and auditioning some amps at the same time. Probably not the smartest way to go about this.
The T2s are sounding great. And my best-in-class distributor over here has loaned me some great Vincent amps to test drive.
I just hooked them up the T2s to a much more expensive amp, the Vincent SV-800. It is an integrated amp, which is really not what I need in my home theater, but it is wonderful. It has a switch to keep it in pure Class A and puts out 50 wpc that way. A 100 or more in Class AB. But I can tell you, in Class A the air has come to my system. I cannot detect much more difference, but the top end has opened up. More detail, more clarity, openness and air. I am not a reviewer, but those seem like the right words. Now I can hear more spaciousness like that end of the room was opened up a bit. This is not a HUGE difference, but quite audible to my poor ears.
And dadgummit, the sound is just even more musical.
My system already sounded really good with the other amps I have tried, several now. AND IF these baby breaks in any, warms up any, and IF it sounds any better than this, I may have to buy it. $4000, OUCH.
Problem is, how do you incorporate an integrated into a home theater, would you put the left and right fronts as one set of inputs into the amp and just try to set the volume the same every time you play multichannel and movies?
Any suggestions?
Thanks, have fun listening,
God Bless, Wayne
God bless the child that's got his own.
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Moderator Posted 10 years 7 months ago

how do you incorporate an integrated into a home theater

You can't.

What you can do is have a separate set of speaker cables (or a speaker switch box, ugh). Digital outputs (HDMI) of your source component to the a/v receiver/processor, analog outputs to your integrated.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 7 months ago
OK, Girls,
Three things made my decision (at least a temporary one) to go with the Vincent SP-T100s a much easier decision:
1, when I rec'd the Magnet IRG2000 voltage stabilizer, I found out it is huge. It can only sit one place in my rack, and that is the place that the old Mondial Aragon 2004 Mk II sat before. Now there is no place for that big old amp unless I put it in the store room behind the home theater.
2, one of the IQ M300 digital amps I decided to try out bit the dust. Broke. Hasn't played that much at all. So now, I have left the single channel amp I was after when I looked to buy the thing initially. So now, it is on the center channel, IF it behaves itself and sounds decent.
3, THE GOOD NEWS, the Vincent amps have blossomed. They did take a good bit of playing time to break in, but now that they have they sound wonderful. The top end has opened up, they do not sound dark any more at all. Nor do they sound bright, no hard edges here, they do have a tube sound, a bit, but that is all. They seem to have lots of power (only 100 wpc, and I am still evaluating to see if they will run out of steam or get congested playing rock or classical loud) for the T2s. Now the unlistenable discs that I have are barely listenable, but only just. Before they were broken in, they smoothed the top gloss over and digital glare was gone. Now, it is back, but only enough to feel like this is the real disc problem. When a disc is well recorded the sound is delicious. The background is dead black silence. NO tube noise.
When I play Suzanne Vega's first track on "Solitude standing" which is a'cappella, it is wonderful, sounds like she is in the room. Close miked, we hear her breath right before she sings each line. But when the second track starts, the hit song about child abuse, "Luka" it is still close miked and full of harsh glare. Great song, nasty sound. The Vincents make it barely listenable, somewhat.
In short, the Triton 2s are AWESOME speakers that deserve to be in the best system. I have never enjoyed this luscious, awesome, delicious a sound in my systems ever before.
KUDOS to GE Tech for such great speakers!!!!!!
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 7 months ago
Well, the good news is the IQ M300 amp starting working again, but I am not using it now.
The bad news is I am having to leave for 3 weeks work away from home, no sweet listening, no watching movies for a while now.
But, Glad to have a job!!!!
And glad to be warm,
You guys keep warm, God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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