file Triton 2s, a longer listen in my home now

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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 5 months ago
OK Ladies and gentlemen,
My wonderful, gracious GoldenEar Tech distributor not only is letting me still audition the ForceField 5 in my home for a longer time, but he has loaned me a pair of Vincent SP-T800 tube hybrid mono block amps.
I have run the T800s for over 24 hours now, playing music and movies. I need to listen more, BUT I think I can say that I cannot afford to do any better than the Triton 2s and the Vincent T800s with MIT interconnects and speaker cables.
I think now my room is probably limiting the sound much more than anything else. It is just too small and crowded. But that cannot be helped now.
Next, my Marantz AV 7005 processor is for sure not the best pre-amp in the world, but I need it for movies. Then the Oppo 95 may not be the best source in the world.
BUT I am really very happy with the sound I have. REALLY, I think the Triton 2s love to play pretty loud and like lots of power and bass support coming through from the amp. That may not make sense with their built in amps, but I still think I can hear the difference over more lite weight amps.
More later when I have listened more, but I am LOVING what I am hearing now.
God bless the child that's got his own.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 5 months ago
Ladies and Germs,
I got in nearly a week of listening, off and on, and it is back off to work tamale morning.
I have made a decision to keep the Vincent SP-T800 hybrid mono amps. They don't fit in my audio cabinet, they will have to sit on the floor next to the Triton 2 speakers. Not right up next, and they seem to shelter the tubes inside with a firm box around them, I am not hearing any tube micro-phonics set on by the T2 woofers nearby.
I have not made a final decision about the FF5 yet, as I really need to try some room correction and I have not taken time away from watching movies and listening to music to do that yet.
And I know that there is another thread at this moment getting action on the FF5. I tried to help there, but it is just too negative for me to continue that conversation.
It was mentioned there about having a remote control to turn up and down the volume on the sub without having to get up and walk around and do it on the back of the unit--this would be a sweet feature in my experience so far. But maybe I can get it dialed in better and not need that.
Movies and organ music, I need the sub shakin my bacon. But other music really employees some LOW, Shakin' notes that I want to have richly portrayed, naturally. With the FF5 at 9:30 I am near where I want to be, but I feel there is a room node getting excited I need to control.
EXAMPLE: John Martyn "The Church with One Bell"
Anthem alert--don't even go there buddy, you can't dance to this, would be so depressed you might kill yerself, stay away.
For others, this is an AWESOME album, with some tremendous blues and BASS. The recording is amazing, track 6 "Strange Fruit" is up close and personal keyboards, but NOT a piano, IMHO. Track 7, nearly all tracks glorious bass.
And it is a great example, at least to me, of why all the specifications in the world can't help. On "Death Don't Have Mercy" there is bass all through there, which makes the CD boxes in my home theater shake and rattle against each other, even from the built in subs on the T2s, and just a little worse with the FF5. Through the song, it is the same, but around 3:00 into the song, there is what I guess is bowed bass that you can feel the strings resonate in your soul. And as the chord progression drops down to the fundamental 3:28 I only get about half as much volume on that lowest note as I did on the notes before it. *Does anybody know what note he is hitting there, what freq?*
The point is, IN MY ROOM the note is still very audible, still a note, not just a rumble, lovely and clear, but it is dropped off. But how the heck would anybody know? Is it my room exciting and re-enforcing the higher notes to play them louder? Is it dropped off on the recording itself? Are they all recorded at the same volume, but the FF5 can't play it that deep? Who knows?
Wish I knew. ha ha
More experimentation to follow. Have ordered some new cables for these amps too.
Nearly there and really enjoying the chase. "Perfect sound" is like chasing a girl, not sure what I would do if I ever caught it!!!!
Enjoy, and thanks to some of you for riding along with me.
God Bless,
God bless the child that's got his own.
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Moderator Posted 10 years 5 months ago
Hi Wayne - I suggest you get yourself a test disc with a series of low frequency warble tones and a decent SPL meter. You should be able to find the peaks and valleys easily and determine the frequency and magnitude. You can then decide how to fix, if bad enough to do so, either through bass traps or room EQ.

As an example, my theater room is fairly large, the boundaries summed to an impressive 9dB peak at around 36 Hz. Made all bass sounds lumpy and ill defined. With the addition of a second sub (cuts peaks and valleys) and a single band filter, I drastically improved bass pitch and definition (and dynamics). A few years later I switched that off to LF digital room correction, which now gives the system incredibly tuneful and dynamic bass. If you've got a big peak, fixing that will vastly improve your bass fidelity.

I'm going to address the other comments on that nasty FF5 thread. :)
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 5 months ago
Thanks once again Moderator Dude!!!!!
I think that is a very good plan, I will look for such a disc. Do you or any of the guys have a suggestion? I have a pretty decent SPL meter. I am getting ahead of myself here, but do I just use it in my prime listening position? Or is this a moving test, several points?
After I get home from this business trip, I plan to try the Audyssey room correction. See if that makes any difference.
God Bless, Wayne
God bless the child that's got his own.

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Moderator Posted 10 years 5 months ago
Audyssey may be a big help... worth a try for sure.

I would start the measurements at your primary listening position only, maybe one more seat too and try to average. Anymore than that done manually and your head will probably explode.

For test discs I have several that have audio test tracks - would have to review them to see which has LF test signals since I haven't done anything with that since I implemented digital room correction about 8 years ago.
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WayneWilmeth Posted 10 years 5 months ago
I have the first Stereophile test disc, but I don't think it has what I need.
Does this look like the right thing?
Stereophile Test Disc 3

So I can try:
1) testing my room to see what is going on.
2) Run Audyssey and see IF it helps
3) try running both the Triton 2s subs and the FF5 as LFE and try to balance my 2 front L and R and 1 back center for a balanced bass
4) use the LFE level control on my surround processor to bump things up for movies, down a bit for great bass and down some more when there is too much of a good thing
5) IF all else fails, look for some digital bass correction

Does that sound right?
Thanks Moderator Dude for your patient help!!!!!
God bless the child that's got his own.

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