file Opinions Wanted

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Moderator Posted 4 years 6 months ago
Hi Duff_Da, It sounds like you have a nice system (especially for home theater applications), however, upgrading your front sound stage would produce a noticeable improvement for home theater applications - and especially for music listening. One worthwhile upgrade would be to go with the Triton 1.Rs as your front speakers and one of the SuperCenters as your center speaker. The reference quality components used in the 1.Rs would produce a noticeable improvement in detail, and at the same time produce an openness or spaciousness to the midrange . If you can fit a SuperCenter Reference in your system, that would be produce the same improvement that the 1.Rs would produce as your left and right speakers. If, however, you can't use the SuperCenter Reference, the SuperCenter X and SuperCenter XL would still be a nice upgrade to your SuperSat center speaker. Specifically in terms of fullness and richness. Last, using your Triton 7s as your surrounds would be a good use for them as well. Thanks, and Happy Listening!

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Duff_Da Posted 4 years 6 months ago
Thanks for the replies. Mr/Ms Moderator....I'm thinking about doing exactly what you suggest, but I'm trying to gather as much information as I can while minimizing in-person interactions right now. Placing the supercenter reference should not be a problem. There is plenty of width space available. Height is somewhat limited to keep it below the screen, but none of the super centers are very tall. My concern is whether the one.r will work well in my space. I will be sitting 10-11 feet away from the speakers in a space that is about 14 feet from back to front wall. I will be sitting about a foot off of the back wall. Since the speakers will be set up across the short axis of a large open room with a ceiling that slants up to the second floor level. So the right and left walls relative to the listening position are about 25 feet apart with an open door into the kitchen. My preference would be to put the speakers on the short wall, rather than the long wall, but that just isn't possible in our home.

That is probably too much information, but I'm looking for opinions regarding whether the one.r speakers would be too big for the space I have (too much bass, etc). The physical size alone is not a problem. I spoke to my local Goldenear dealer, and he thought it would be fine, but I'm hoping to get some more opinions so that I can (hopefully) avoid surprises when I get the speakers home. The size of the speakers alone is not a problem. Perhaps the question can be boiled down well does the one.r work in a small room?


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Moderator Posted 4 years 6 months ago
Hi Duff_Da, Using the Triton 1.Rs in the room you've described with your main listening position 10-11 feet away from your main speakers would be quite acceptable. The Triton 1.Rs would not be overwhelming or overpowering in this application. I would have no hesitations with using the Triton 1.Rs in this application. Your setup would also allow you to spread the speakers out a bit further than you might think to. The Triton 1.Rs work well when spread out a bit. You might try placing the towers 11-13 feet apart and angling them toward the main listening position. Happy Listening!

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