I just bought a pair of Triton Sevens this weekend. After 10 hours of listening and placement adjustment I am quite pleased with the result, however, I am aching with a question; what more would the Five's deliver that I am missing with the Sevens?
The listening room at the shop was not optimal for discerning bass response and extension, even so, the mids and highs were more refined than others and I knew the bass response would be better at home. I was right.
At the time I was not prepared to spend the extra money for the Fives, now I'm reconsidering the decision.
These are purely for music, not even a television in the room.
I am not a bass freak but do want the full range of sound to be reproduced. As an example, the opening track on Fiona Apples "Tidal" cd seems a bit lacking in my room. It is there but just not as prominent as I would like and have experienced on studio monitors and other speakers.
Listening space is not horrible and thanks to a hallway and stair well (not represented in the image) the back wall is broken up significantly and standing waves are not horrible. Speaker placement is about the best I can do while still maintaining an actual living room and dining room.
Attached image is not to scale.
Little blocks are speakers.
Cirle is listening position.