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ArthurDaniels Posted 5 years 3 weeks ago
Run a cable from the Amp LFE to a Y Splitter. Run a cable from each leg of the Y Splitter to another Y Splitter. A total of 3 splitters now connected. The two open splitters provide 4 outputs. Run cables from each splitter output to a Triton LFE input.

Now, before you implement this setup, I recommend the following test:

Run a single cable from the amp LFE output to one of the Triton LFE speakers. Find some recordings of test signals so that you can listen to various bass frequencies with this setup. Make mental audible note of the loudness as you listen.

Then, implement the entire setup with splitters, except connect only one of the 4 splitter outputs to a Triton LFE input. Listen to the test tones again and note any audible differences (possibly level differences or whatever you hear).

If you are happy with what you hear, connect the remaining three Triton LFE inputs, one at a time so that you have two, then three, then finally four connected. At each connection listen again and note differences.

The purpose of this test is to determine whether or not loading these connections to the original amp LFE output via the splitters is causing any sound issues because of impedance changes, etc.

If you find objectionable issues, you will need to either not connect cables to all Tritons via splitters, or do research to find an electronic device which will split the signal while maintaining proper impedance loading.

Happy listening,


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GDHAL Posted 5 years 3 weeks ago

mbsales11701 wrote: Thank you for the responses!

I now in my possession the T1's, T2's, SCXXL, the Denon X8500h and the OLED C9.

I am reluctant to spend another 1200 on the 4 Atmos speakers, Monoprice has the Amber series 8" ceiling speakers with a ribbon tweeter for 125 bucks a pair, I am thinking of purchasing those instead as Atmos speakers are just for filler.

I was reviewing Sandy's set up tips, and theres one part I cannot visualize. How do I connect the 4 LFE plugs to take advantage of the T1's and T2's for home theater use?

Single RCA from X8500 LFE out to a Y Splitter, and then single cables from the splitter to the individual speakers?

I'm no expert on the LFE connectivity as I don't use it. I took a quick peek at the back of your Denon X8500h. Seems to me you would NOT need a splitter of any kind. I'd have to think the user manual of the X8500h could be of assistance.

Side note, isn't the C9 simply spectacular! B)
Golden Ear Triton Reference (pair), Musical Fidelity M6si, Schiit Yggdrasil-OG-B, Oppo UDP-205, Emotiva ERC-3, LG OLED65C9PUA, Salamander Synergy Triple Unit SL20, Audeze LCD-X, GIK acoustic paneling ;

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rjohn79395 Posted 5 years 3 weeks ago

mbsales11701 wrote:
I now in my possession the T1's, T2's, SCXXL, the Denon X8500h and the OLED C9.

I was reviewing Sandy's set up tips, and theres one part I cannot visualize. How do I connect the 4 LFE plugs to take advantage of the T1's and T2's for home theater use?

Single RCA from X8500 LFE out to a Y Splitter, and then single cables from the splitter to the individual speakers?

Hi, Alex

Yes you can use splitters for the LFE leads, and can use both LFE sub pre outs. I use one pre out to feed the front Tritons and the second to feed the surround Tritons. You can then separately adjust reciver sub gain to better balance front/rear bass levels.

Anyway, that's how I did it.


5.4.4 HT speakers: T Ref fronts/LFE 1, SuperCenter Ref, T1 surrounds/LFE 2 + SuperSub XXL, HTR 7000 top fronts, HTR 8000 top rears
Zone 2 speakers; 2 Invisa 525's
AVR: Marantz SR 8015
Amp: AT525NC 5 channel
Cable/TiVo, OPPO BDP 105D, Bluesound Node 2i, Apple tv 4K streamer

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evidya Posted 4 years 2 months ago

rjohn79395 wrote: Hi, Alex, and welcome to the forum!

First, thank you for your service!

That's an impressive list of gear, and speakers you are planning, it should bring hours of enjoyment.

Some thoughts re your questions.

The Denon receiver should work just fine. It has good power ratings, and an excellent DAC in the AK 4490. The powered Triton towers have their own built amps to handle the power hungry bass portion.

Re speaker placement for the Tritons, they don't HAVE to be 2' inboard from the side walls, or 3" back from the rear wall. I have my surround Tritons fairly close to the side walls and within toe in, the passive radiators have room to do their thing. My front Tritons are about 2' in from the front wall and with toe in, the backs of the speakers are about 1' in from the side walls and the front parts about 2' in, again plenty of room for the passive radiators. Each room is different acoustically, but I think the T2's as side surrounds could be placed closer in than 2' from the side walls and give you room to get around. I would recommend using the T2's as side surrounds, not rear surrounds, because there's usually more content in the side surround channels. And you can play with both T1 and T2 speaker placement. I would try placing the 1's closer than 2' away from the side walls, and a little closer than 3" from the rear wall also if you need to get some more space between the listening position and the speakers. Also, wider spacing can improve imaging some.

I have had the the T1 front/T2 surround speaker combination before, and the bass is pretty darn impressive! Re T2's vs a SuperSub X/Aon combination (if I read your question right), yes the bass from the Supersub would be some stronger. But again, T1's and T2's together are impressive also. Either would work.

Enjoy! You're building an impressive system! It will blow away sound wise what you'd typically hear in a theater.

Happy listening!


thanks for this it was really helpful
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